View Full Version : Last CE/LE/SE you purchased or got
06-01-2012, 03:15 PM
A CE with actual seeds? WHA no idea. I thought you were talking about some sort of sample or something.
someone elses tube unboxing of 1404
06-01-2012, 03:24 PM
someone elses tube unboxing of 1404
I'm not sure if I find that very nice, to include seeds in a special edition.
06-01-2012, 03:28 PM
i thought it was a nice touch consideriring what the game is about
Thanks jug.
06-01-2012, 05:51 PM
I aint posted n=in a while but these were my April May pickups. Nothin g too special
06-01-2012, 05:53 PM
I aint posted n=in a while but these were my April May pickups. Nothing too special
Made up to have a new Cave shooter, even though it cost quite a bit.
06-01-2012, 06:16 PM
So that's thes limited edition, I got the deluxe but that looks better
06-02-2012, 08:15 PM
duke nukem balls of steel turned up today, glad i did not pay more than £12.99, everything bout it feels cheap, the mini bust, poker chips etc, the only real nice thing is the comic book, and had a little go on the game, damm its awful, on the shelf his will go.
also took a punt on the ps2 collectors edition of driver parralel lines, bought second hand of amazon for £2.10, so hoping i have a bit of luck and the steelbook is ok
06-02-2012, 08:28 PM
I didn't mind the poker chips, they were the only thing that hade a good feel to them, the dice were cheap and lightweight and the cards dissapointed me, I didn't mind the art book and the bust but the entire thing could have been a lot better, some loaded dice, a shot glass with the nuke symbol and some sexy playing cards would have been great, even a duke nukem cigar, sure it would have been the first 18/21+ collectors edition but it would have made it stand out
06-02-2012, 08:40 PM
I didn't mind the poker chips, they were the only thing that hade a good feel to them, the dice were cheap and lightweight and the cards dissapointed me, I didn't mind the art book and the bust but the entire thing could have been a lot better, some loaded dice, a shot glass with the nuke symbol and some sexy playing cards would have been great, even a duke nukem cigar, sure it would have been the first 18/21+ collectors edition but it would have made it stand out
a real cigar? would be nice but would never happpen, ever. they hide smokes behind shutters in shops here now.
I agree though they could of done so much better, i would of been gutted if i paid full price, i cant even get the playing cards open without ripping the box.
the gaame is awful as well so, so awful, i would rather play duke 3d original.
06-02-2012, 08:58 PM
Fake light up cigar when you suck on it? Like the ecigarettes, the playing cards just have the nuke symbol on the back pretty much whats on the box, nothing special, I got my copy for ps3 I can't play it as I don't have one yet lol..
06-04-2012, 05:52 AM
Driver san francisco collectors for $20 tomorrow lord of the rings war of the north for $20 as well if it's in stock
06-04-2012, 08:18 AM
Well,i already got one of these packed away but,this was number 65 of 500 so couldnt resist buying it:D
06-04-2012, 08:33 AM
Never even seen one of those in Canberra, you win :p
06-04-2012, 08:34 AM
Nice pickup HIPPEE! :drool: xx
06-04-2012, 08:46 AM
Never even seen one of those in Canberra, you win :p
Didnt know it was a contest,happy to win though:1:,lol.
So what does that make me if i have the Simpsons console as well,lol
Nice pickup HIPPEE! :drool: xx
Thanks:D I think so & the price was ridiculously cheap i thought.
I couldnt believe i was the only one who bid on it,a :wtf: in my book,lol
06-04-2012, 09:48 AM
the price was ridiculously cheap i thought.
I couldnt believe i was the only one who bid on it,a :wtf: in my book,lol
really nice, how much did youe get it for.
06-04-2012, 10:00 AM
really nice, how much did youe get it for.
Are you sitting down....only a measly $250 inc postage:D
06-04-2012, 10:02 AM
WHAAAAAT!? That, my friend, is a f*cking bargain! xx
06-04-2012, 10:04 AM
Are you sitting down....only a measly $250 inc postage:D
No way man!? >.< Glad I was sitting down!! That was a fucking bargain!!
Congrats man! :D
06-04-2012, 10:32 AM
WHAAAAAT!? That, my friend, is a fucking bargain! xx
Did say make sure your sittiin down:D
Now is that any language for a princess:rotf:
No way man!? >.< Glad I was sitting down!! That was a fucking bargain!!
Congrats man! :D
Yes way dude,only one bidder for some reason & that was lucky me:D
I would have paid twice that & still considered it cheap,but wont complain for what it did cost:)
06-04-2012, 11:36 AM
Bargin of the year, congrats Hippee
06-04-2012, 11:36 AM
Did say make sure your sittiin down:D
Now is that any language for a princess:rotf:
Yes way dude,only one bidder for some reason & that was lucky me:D
I would have paid twice that & still considered it cheap,but wont complain for what it did cost:)
what is with swearing and no autoblock, it doesent offend me, but now i must remember to watch what i type.
$250 is amazing
06-04-2012, 12:01 PM
Bargin of the year, congrats Hippee
Thanks:) I am sure they will be plenty more bargains
out there for all before the year is up:D
I did get a new Deus Ex CE for $50
but still think this was a better bargain.
what is with swearing and no autoblock, it doesent offend me, but now i must remember to watch what i type.
$250 is amazing
The swearing doesnt bother me either,i think autoblock is
in place as this site is open to anyone of any age. So it might
offend someone somewhere
Yep,its an amazing price,i still am amazed nobody else bid on it.
Thats got me completely buggered. Must be because it was put
in the wrong catergory instead of video games,lol
06-04-2012, 12:13 PM
just bought
Die Schlümpfe (2D/3D Version, inkl. schlumpfige Weihnachtsgeschichte, Figuren, Steel-book
The Smurfs (2D/3D version, including smurfy Christmas story, characters, Steel-book
comes with mini smurf figures :bananayes:
and emily strange numbered collectors ds edition
06-04-2012, 12:23 PM
Didnt know it was a contest,happy to win though:1:,lol.
So what does that make me if i have the Simpsons console as well,lol
Some kind if wizard?
06-04-2012, 12:26 PM
Some kind if wizard?
A hippee wizard,mmmm...i suppose thats possible:D
06-04-2012, 12:28 PM
Didnt know it was a contest,happy to win though:1:,lol.
So what does that make me if i have the Simpsons console as well,lol
06-04-2012, 12:38 PM
Never met a sad hippee yet,most if not all are happy hippees,lol
Funny thing is with collecting your never really happy because
theres always something else you need or want,oh the burden
collectors must bear,lol:D
06-04-2012, 12:41 PM
Then you're a happy hippee that's not that happy because you still want something else?^_^
06-04-2012, 12:46 PM
Then you're a happy hippee that's not that happy because you still want something else?^_^
Yep,i do want something else......shipping that doesnt
cost more than what i want to buy at the moment,lol:D
06-04-2012, 12:46 PM
So what would make hippie happy then?
06-04-2012, 12:54 PM
So what would make hippie happy then?
Right this minute cheap bloody postage,lol.
Apart from that & overall i'm a happy man at the moment.
Unless world peace & an end to world hunger for all is possible:think:
06-04-2012, 04:42 PM
Right this minute cheap bloody postage,lol.
Apart from that & overall i'm a happy man at the moment.
Unless world peace & an end to world hunger for all is possible:think:
Yea that's the one pain about being an aussie, the damn postage unless you order 2 of everything and sell one to cover postage or have someone that wants a duplicate of what you ordered your screwed.. or you could order cheap knockoffs from china.. like my final fantasy watch :D
06-04-2012, 05:03 PM
Yea that's the one pain about being an aussie, the damn postage unless you order 2 of everything and sell one to cover postage or have someone that wants a duplicate of what you ordered your screwed.. or you could order cheap knockoffs from china.. like my final fantasy watch :D
Even ordering two of something at times doesnt work unless its really
really cheap. Thats one of the bonuses of this forum,the occasional
group buy or a helping hand from a fellow member:)
Cheap knockoffs are not good,at times almost like flushing money down
the toilet,lol.
There actually a group buy for aussies at the moment if your interested?
Its from the Irational games store. The midlandmaster organising it but
the orders being placed this morning,well when he gets up,lol.
Heaps of cool stuff & some limited items. Link is below if you wish to be
nosey,if anything tickles your fancy send a PM asap:D
06-04-2012, 06:34 PM
well for 1cent and $15 postage for 2 watches a ring and some earrings.. even though they are all broken 4 years later it was still worth it to be the only person i knew with them lol
06-04-2012, 06:45 PM
Got a little addition today - King of Fighters MAximum Impact for the PS2 in a nice little slipcase, absolute perfect condition. £2 :bananayes: xx
06-05-2012, 01:34 AM
well for 1cent and $15 postage for 2 watches a ring and some earrings.. even though they are all broken 4 years later it was still worth it to be the only person i knew with them lol
Well,thats cheap enough,funny how postage is always still a higher
price than the item we buy sometimes,lol
Got a little addition today - King of Fighters MAximum Impact for the PS2 in a nice little slipcase, absolute perfect condition. £2 :bananayes: xx
See,we all can find a bargain deal everyday...its just having the money for
it but at 2 pounds thats cheap,thats a cup of coffee in some places:D
What a day..3 new arrivals
Finally my friend´s package from Hong Kong arrived (Biohazard Revival Edition) (
Got it from an Austrian games forum (RAGE Steelbook) (
For 6 Pounds from Amazon UK..why not :D (FF XIII-2 Guide CE) (
06-05-2012, 02:11 PM
Blazblue Continuum Shift Extend for Xbox 360.
I predict damage on my CE (Zavvi lol).
06-06-2012, 11:20 AM
Huzzah my lovely Anno 1404 Collectors edition arrived today :)
I´ve been looking for this for ages and finally found a supermarket! Lol. They were clearing their warehouse and sold all the stuff nobody wanted to buy :D
Dragon Age (Collectors Edition; sealed) ( (
06-06-2012, 12:45 PM
no pics?
06-06-2012, 02:48 PM
I´ve been looking for this for ages and finally found a supermarket! Lol. They were clearing their warehouse and sold all the stuff nobody wanted to buy :D
Dragon Age (Collectors Edition; sealed) ( (
No way! Anymore there!? Pick me one up if there is!? :D
Nice pick up btw! ^o^
No way! Anymore there!? Pick me one up if there is!? :D
Nice pick up btw! ^o^
for me too, lol :D
06-06-2012, 10:56 PM
Make that three :(
Today´s a public holiday but will go there again tomorrow or Saturday to see if there are some left. There were 6 left when I bought it. If there are any left I will buy all of them.
If you guys are really interested in it, it costs 18€ (plus 8€ international shipping or 5€ to Germany(with Austrian post)).
06-07-2012, 11:04 AM
put me down for one as well :)
06-07-2012, 11:13 AM
I'd be interested too :) Xbox 360 :) xx
Today´s a public holiday but will go there again tomorrow or Saturday to see if there are some left. There were 6 left when I bought it. If there are any left I will buy all of them.
If you guys are really interested in it, it costs 18€ (plus 8€ international shipping or 5€ to Germany(with Austrian post)).
ah you guys have free too, today. Have a nice day and enjoy it :)
I'm definitely in for one if there are some left, but only for Xbox 360. Thanks :hug:
06-07-2012, 11:50 AM
Just bought a MGS4 promo tin from ebay, I paid quite a bit for it but I've wanted one for ages, one of the best MGS4 pieces IMHO:$(KGrHqRHJ!wE8e4rWULNBPKrf+Eng!~~60_12.JPG
06-07-2012, 12:43 PM
Just got this delivered this afternoon by courier.
Was at one hell of a price you couldnt find anywhere else.
Must be my lucky month for bargain buys,either that or i
just look where nobody else looks,lol:D
Assassins Creed Guide & Hardcover Artbook bundle,New & factory sealed-$30 inc postage
06-07-2012, 12:45 PM
Today´s a public holiday but will go there again tomorrow or Saturday to see if there are some left. There were 6 left when I bought it. If there are any left I will buy all of them.
If you guys are really interested in it, it costs 18€ (plus 8€ international shipping or 5€ to Germany(with Austrian post)).
Cheers mate! :D Definitely want one. Drop me a PM if you do grab anymore! ^o^
06-07-2012, 01:13 PM
Any more available in your mystery location? I saw one on eBay passed up for $60 the other day.
ah you guys have free too, today. Have a nice day and enjoy it :)
I'm definitely in for one if there are some left, but only for Xbox 360. Thanks :hug:
Well, kinda hard to enjoy cause I´m dealing with a terrible hangover. Plus, I came home at 7am and didnt´sleep yet :D And my stomache is killing me.
Okay, will send all of you guys a PM if there are any left! :) (
FAP FAP FAP (purchased from :) )
06-07-2012, 07:50 PM
second copy of anno 1404 turned up and emily strange got number 78 of 200 quite a nice ce.
second copy of anno 1404 turned up and emily strange got number 78 of 200 quite a nice ce.
can you please post a picture of it?
I have my doubts that there was only 200 of them produced.
Maybe you have another edition of it instead of that one i have in my mind right know.
thank you in advance
06-07-2012, 08:49 PM
The Emily the Strange DS CE was limited to 200, one of the guys from the company who made it is a member on here and allowed some members to choose which number they got :)
Is it ghostlightross? Or is he from another company? xx
Holy sh...,
I did read his post wrong and missunderstood.
My fault, i thought he means there are only 200 copies of "1404" at all.
Sorry, have to read carefully next time:suicide:
06-07-2012, 08:54 PM
Ah :) No I believe there are at least 1000 copies of 1404 :) Not sure on the number though as I don't have that edition myself :) xx
Ah :) No I believe there are at least 1000 copies of 1404 :) Not sure on the number though as I don't have that edition myself :) xx
Sorry, but it seems that there were 2 charges of the CE produced:
-one of 37250 copies
-one of 30000 copies
I "heard" that the company got greedy after the successfully sold of the first charge and decided to produce another one.
From time to time i ask myself if i should quit with collecting CE`s.
06-07-2012, 09:26 PM
Ah :) No I believe there are at least 1000 copies of 1404 :) Not sure on the number though as I don't have that edition myself :) xx
1404 the uk edition i got has a run of 37500, each one is numbered
gonna sort out me ce and steels tommrow to post up some photos, only thing is have no camera so using my phone to take a pic and send to my email takes a while but works
37500 or 37250 need to look again later
06-07-2012, 09:28 PM
Sorry, but it seems that there were 2 charges of the CE produced:
-one of 37250 copies
-one of 30000 copies
I "heard" that the company got greedy after the successfully sold of the first charge and decided to produce another one.
From time to time i ask myself if i should quit with collecting CE`s.
your right there was a seprate run of 30000 as well
06-07-2012, 09:32 PM
1404 the uk edition i got has a run of 37500, each one is numbered
gonna sort out me ce and steels tommrow to post up some photos, only thing is have no camera so using my phone to take a pic and send to my email takes a while but works
37500 or 37250 need to look again later
Bloody Hell, 37000 is very high for a numbered edition, cant recall anything higher
06-07-2012, 09:39 PM
duken nukem balls of steel, got the pc edition numbered 60 odd thousand and im sure it goes higher
Well, back to topic :-).
Got another copy of " Janes F-15 Officers Edition " yesterday.
Proud of it, they are difficult to find these days. ( ( (
06-08-2012, 03:49 AM
Mafia 2 steel book for 360 and halo wars limited edition
06-08-2012, 04:35 AM
Sorry, but it seems that there were 2 charges of the CE produced:
-one of 37250 copies
-one of 30000 copies
I "heard" that the company got greedy after the successfully sold of the first charge and decided to produce another one.
From time to time i ask myself if i should quit with collecting CE`s.
I feel you, most of these 'limited' or 'collectors' editions are hardly worthy of the name...........There's generally nothing limited about them.
06-08-2012, 05:03 AM
I feel you, most of these 'limited' or 'collectors' editions are hardly worthy of the name...........There's generally nothing limited about them.
If it makes you feel better, the longer time passes the more that number is irrelevant as copies are easily destroyed... For instance if you burn the other 67,000 you will have 1/250 :D
06-08-2012, 05:10 AM
I feel you, most of these 'limited' or 'collectors' editions are hardly worthy of the name...........There's generally nothing limited about them.
Agreed,limited & collectors used to mean exactly that,now it only means
more sales at the end of the business day. Its a little sad really in some
ways in other ways it has it benefits. One benefit is that sometimes you
get companies trying to outdo each other,which results in better CE/LE
becoming available. One downside is because so many are produced alot
of them we pay top dollar for thinking there wont be many around you
soon find them for half the price of less & see so many of them you end
up going crosseyed looking at them all.
Example A: Ninja Gaiden 3 CE-AU$149 on release date @ EB Games
Ninja Gaiden 3 CE-AU$68 current price @ EB Games
Sold out quite quickly at this price,but you still may find one or two around
Example B: Gears of War 3 Epic-AU$240 on release date @ EB games(from memory)
Gears of War 3 Epic-AU$77 current price @ EB Games
Will state though,trying to find one in EB Games is next to impossible. As
far as i am aware i bought the only copy available in Queensland @ AU$77
This,isnt a little price drop,this is a significant price drop here
06-09-2012, 04:45 AM
Finally got the return to castle wolfenstein operation resurrection collectors edition.. It's probably the lamest I have seen, it's a tshirt and a game in a large box
Annoyingly it's not in the database
To all the guys who wanted the Dragon Age CE. I went there today and I have bad news for you guys. The salesman told me that one of his colleagues bought all of them yesterday (he obviously knows what they are worth). So I´m sry guys, I did my best.
06-09-2012, 10:51 AM
To all the guys who wanted the Dragon Age CE. I went there today and I have bad news for you guys. The salesman told me that one of his colleagues bought all of them yesterday (he obviously knows what they are worth). So I´m sry guys, I did my best.
Damn. >.< Had a feeling you was gonna say that!! XD Thanks for trying though! :D
06-09-2012, 11:05 AM
Agreed,limited & collectors used to mean exactly that,now it only means
more sales at the end of the business day. Its a little sad really in some
ways in other ways it has it benefits. One benefit is that sometimes you
get companies trying to outdo each other,which results in better CE/LE
becoming available. One downside is because so many are produced alot
of them we pay top dollar for thinking there wont be many around you
soon find them for half the price of less & see so many of them you end
up going crosseyed looking at them all.
Example A: Ninja Gaiden 3 CE-AU$149 on release date @ EB Games
Ninja Gaiden 3 CE-AU$68 current price @ EB Games
Sold out quite quickly at this price,but you still may find one or two around
Example B: Gears of War 3 Epic-AU$240 on release date @ EB games(from memory)
Gears of War 3 Epic-AU$77 current price @ EB Games
Will state though,trying to find one in EB Games is next to impossible. As
far as i am aware i bought the only copy available in Queensland @ AU$77
This,isnt a little price drop,this is a significant price drop here
I know what you mean, driver for $20 and bioshock 2 collectors for $25, metal gear hd collectors for 80, it's rare that any are left though
06-09-2012, 12:49 PM
there are still gow epic editions in my local game for £40, tatty outer box though
06-09-2012, 01:21 PM
just got prototype steel of seller from here very pleased with it, for some reason though my xbox game manual would fit in ps3 steel, oh well game disc looks nice.
driver parrelell lines ce turned up all contents in box, few minor scrathes on back of steel, 8/10 not bad for £2
non game related, been saving points in a newpaper club and had enough to gate a boxset of last years royal wedding, quite impressive, contains £5 coin stamps, double cd, order of service, and coa, what was not mentioned in product description was its numbered 180/500 and hand signed coa by president of decca records, was a nice surprise
06-10-2012, 02:09 PM
river parrelell lines ce turned up all contents in box, few minor scrathes on back of steel, 8/10 not bad for £2
06-12-2012, 07:45 AM
Today's pick ups are, Saints Row: smooth criminal edition and Lord of Arcana: Slayer Edition and in the post is mass effect 2 collectors
"Morrowind" CE, Bethesda 2002
Bought in the US via Mailbox adress, a norwegian Company fowarded it to me afterwards. (
06-15-2012, 01:15 AM
My latest purchase :swoon:
06-15-2012, 01:22 AM
Awesome pickup mos , did you get it through ebay? i have never seen that before
06-15-2012, 01:27 AM
Kinda, i made an offer so he would remove the listing
06-15-2012, 10:36 AM
Now that is nice Mos, congrats.
06-15-2012, 10:56 AM
Very cool Mos! :D Did the darts come with it? How many Darts came with it, if so? o.0
06-15-2012, 11:10 AM
That is gorgeous Mos ! xx
06-15-2012, 12:44 PM
Yeah, it came with 3 darts aswell, which actually was a surprise because i was expecting just the board.
06-15-2012, 12:50 PM
Nice surprise there then! :D Mind spilling the beans on the price? ;)
06-16-2012, 01:16 PM
Nice surprise there then! :D Mind spilling the beans on the price? ;)
one hundred and eeeiiigghhhttttyyy, sorry couldnt help it
06-16-2012, 01:34 PM
Knock the eighty off :thumb:
06-16-2012, 10:12 PM
Knock the eighty off :thumb:
Not bad, not bad at all, well done:thumb:
06-17-2012, 04:29 AM
Haven't posted here for a while. My purchase for last few months
nice additions :) If you find another batman CE at this price let me know :spiteful: and what is this ghost recon edition next to the ghost recon figure edition?
06-17-2012, 03:59 PM
^ That's the Ultimate Edition, the one with the missile launcher.
06-17-2012, 04:03 PM
I dont know exatly what to class this as,but to me its a CE,LE & SE
all rolled into one. Getting a little hard to find these days,especially
!00% working. This one wasnt but,after half an hour of mucking around
all systems are go with no dramas at all,so i'm a happy hippee:D
06-17-2012, 05:02 PM
thats awesome - imagine shipping that though, im guessing you collected?
06-17-2012, 05:12 PM
thats awesome - imagine shipping that though, im guessing you collected?
It would be a pain to ship & a pain to pull apart.
Got it delivered to me for $40,so it was no hassle
for me at all:) I found an xbox 360 shop display
as well but it was way to far away & way to
exspensive to ship otherwise i would have been on
that one like white on rice:)
06-17-2012, 05:43 PM
nice additions :) If you find another batman CE at this price let me know :spiteful: and what is this ghost recon edition next to the ghost recon figure edition?
Sure thing. Yes it is Ultimate Edition. It is only EB Games Canada exclusive with USB missile Launcher.
GR:FS with PPK Gunnar w/ GR socket and case from the Facebook photo contest!
I don't have to open the Canadian limited edition :D
06-17-2012, 08:15 PM
Haha thats cool. I see those glasses advertised all over MLG. Let me know if they really do anything.
06-17-2012, 09:05 PM
If thoose are a pair of gunnar optics glases they only work on computer screens and even then they dont really do that much if not nothing at all.
Haha thats cool. I see those glasses advertised all over MLG. Let me know if they really do anything.
I've been using gunnar glasses for 6-7 months now on PC and PS3. I first used these while playing Uncharted 3 and saw it works. I watched the night cinematic after drake was saved from the ruined city with the glasses and paused in the middle to go pee, and when I came back and look at it without the glasses it looks dark and dull, but with the glasses its clear and bright. And no more red eyes.
The only thing I hate about gunnar is that they don't tell you anything if they did a study, USDA approve, or anything like that to prove they work.
There is a confession/thank you letter on their gunnar facebook page where some guy who had a concussion from a snowmobile accident and was having headaches while looking TV and lectures, bought a pair and reduce his headaches. I think the story is real.
06-18-2012, 07:00 AM
I've got a pair of Black Ops Gunnars which I actually use a fair bit at times. Especially when it comes to studying late at night. They do help relax my eyes so I can't say I regret buying them.
06-18-2012, 12:21 PM
A lot of the theory behind gunnars is sound and correct, there is some skepticism with regards to the coloured tint but there are aspects can definitely be relaxing and take the strain away from prolonged VDU use
06-18-2012, 02:13 PM
Yeah listen to nipperkipper. He will know best about such things! :)
06-18-2012, 09:49 PM
Yeah listen to nipperkipper. He will know best about such things! :)
Thanks for the support:barsong:
06-19-2012, 02:06 AM
All 3 Lord of the Rings steelbooks, 300 steelbook and the Shawshank Redemption steelbook, all brand new sealed
06-19-2012, 01:32 PM
Nice, 300 is one of favourite movies.
06-19-2012, 07:40 PM
LOTR and Shawshank steels anyday! :drool:
Not a CE, but this came today from my DC Chess collection subscription! :D
Pics of the pieces I have so far! :D
Alternate Kings pieces of Batman and The Joker! :D
Also, got the FFXIII-2 LE for xbox from shopto thanks to me buddy! :D
06-19-2012, 07:42 PM
lotr and shawshank steels anyday! :drool:
Not a ce, but this came today from my dc chess collection subscription! :d
pics of the pieces i have so far! :d
alternate kings pieces of batman and the joker! :d
also, got the ffxiii-2 le for xbox from shopto thanks to me buddy! :d
dude this is freaking awesome!!!
06-19-2012, 07:45 PM
Thanks Zhaff! :D
9 pieces down, only another 23 left! >.< 2 pieces a month, so not gonna be complete til this time next year. Will be worth the wait though! ^o^
06-19-2012, 08:12 PM
Interesting Batman chess set, so how much is it to complete it all? Do they charge per piece or it is all part of the subscription?
06-19-2012, 08:16 PM
You pay £15.98 every 4 weeks (or so) and you get two chess pieces for that. The chess board is a bonus for subscribing. xx
06-19-2012, 08:26 PM
Yeah, what Vhal said. Works out to be about £250 at the end for total cost, but when you pay it monthly you don't notice it anyway! lol
The 2 alternate pieces were part of a special issue which was slightly more. About £18 I think. They are cool though! :D I'm hoping later into the subscription they make a carry case or something for the set. :D
06-19-2012, 08:27 PM
I would be too impatient to wait for the pieces lol.
Would be good to see the whole set when it's all done.
06-19-2012, 08:33 PM
I just get the pieces and stick them in the cupboard. Got a box especially for them. That way if I can't see them, I'm not thinking about them and can't get impatient! :P
lol If you can stand to hang around here that long, I will no doubt upload pics of the complete set! :haha:
06-20-2012, 01:26 AM
Today I received a PS3 Sorcery Press Kit and a PS2 World Championship Rugby with an exclusive slipcase I didn't even know it existed. I'm happy.
06-20-2012, 01:48 PM
Got my MGS4 promo tin this morning, went straight in the MGS4 cabinet :D
06-20-2012, 04:18 PM
I just ordered the infamous 2 hero edition..
06-20-2012, 04:50 PM
Got my MGS4 promo tin this morning, went straight in the MGS4 cabinet :D
Thats awesome. :ok:
Has anyone bought that Lego Batman 2 DC heroes toy edition and can take some pictures of it? Thanks :v:
06-22-2012, 10:28 AM
Mine should be here today :) Will take pics for you :) xx
Mine should be here today :) Will take pics for you :) xx
Awesome, Thanks :beach:
06-22-2012, 11:21 AM
Got the Assassins Creed 2 Master Assassin Edition for only $130, and Akham City for only $60, pretty good deals.
06-22-2012, 12:26 PM
My Final Fantasy 13-2 CE just came (360 version) from, it came in a jiffy bag but the postman knocked at the door instead of ramming it through the letterbox so it's in perfect condition......Not bad for £11.86!
Can't believe I paid £60 for my PS3 copy :(
06-22-2012, 02:53 PM
Will take photos of Lego Batman 2 CE now Kat, not long received it.
On another note, holy shit - weather is HORRENDOUS here right now! xx
06-22-2012, 03:05 PM
Will take photos of Lego Batman 2 CE now Kat, not long received it.
On another note, holy shit - weather is HORRENDOUS here right now! xx
Over here is pretty hot and no single cloud was seen =)
Anyway, got two Brink steelbooks. They aren't for me though, but to a couple of friends =)
06-22-2012, 03:08 PM
Forgot to take a pic of the actual game, but it's just a standard game case so I'm sure it's not needed :) Sorry for the pics, took them quickly haha xx
Great, exactly what I needed, Thanks V! *ordering a copy of Lego Batman 2*
06-22-2012, 03:20 PM
No problem :D Were you worried incase it was just a standard case with a toy in a bag, rather than with an outer box? :) xx
No problem :D Were you worried incase it was just a standard case with a toy in a bag, rather than with an outer box? :) xx
yea right, I was also worried that the box might be too small for both the game and the toy...I have this problem with the Naruto card edition. All the content squeezed and deformed the outer box >_>"
06-22-2012, 04:04 PM
Ah, that sucks :( xx
06-22-2012, 05:45 PM
is the free lego exclusive to any retailer or could i pick this up from anywhere such as supermarket etc?
06-22-2012, 05:47 PM
GAME, Amazon and all have it as far as I'm aware - no idea on supermarkets though xx
06-22-2012, 05:50 PM
Ahh just asking as i would have liked to pick it up over the weekend and thought might as well get the one with free lego :)
06-22-2012, 08:54 PM
Ahh just asking as i would have liked to pick it up over the weekend and thought might as well get the one with free lego :)
sainsburys had this on the shelf with the toy for £34.99
06-22-2012, 08:57 PM
just normal games got nicktoons mlb from amazon us, suprised as i ordered the middle level shiping and from order to delivery it took 5 days from the statees, and lego batman 2 with free comic
06-22-2012, 09:00 PM
Ahh thanks for the info - Sainsburys it is - hope mine will sell it as it's a relatively small one with virtually no entertainment section :) ha
06-22-2012, 09:49 PM
Where did you get yours from Vhal? Spent about 5mins starring at it as something looked different. Eventually clicked on its the age rating. We got PEGI one's, well least the Vita one I've got.
06-23-2012, 12:54 AM
ill play along
06-23-2012, 07:29 AM
Where did you get yours from Vhal? Spent about 5mins starring at it as something looked different. Eventually clicked on its the age rating. We got PEGI one's, well least the Vita one I've got.
I got mine from GAME, preordered it online xx
06-23-2012, 10:40 AM
I got my Liara T'soni Mass Effect 3 Bishoujo Statue today....They sent me 2 by mistake!!!
06-23-2012, 11:18 AM
I got my Liara T'soni Mass Effect 3 Bishoujo Statue today....They sent me 2 by mistake!!!
No way!! That's awesome! lol How does it look? My GF wasn't impressed with the look of it in the pics. Doesn't look like Liara, she says... :S
You gonna sell the other at a mark down price...? ;)
06-23-2012, 11:20 AM
just wait for the double charging or the option to send it back....
06-23-2012, 01:13 PM
No way!! That's awesome! lol How does it look? My GF wasn't impressed with the look of it in the pics. Doesn't look like Liara, she says... :S
You gonna sell the other at a mark down price...? ;)
I haven't had a proper look at it yet, been playing ME3 multiplayer most of the morning. It's definitely stylized and not supposed to be an accurate model....It's Bishoujo after all.
Looking forward to the Femshep one as well. PM me if your interested in the spare, we might be able to come to an arrangement.
just wait for the double charging or the option to send it back....
Haha I hope not, they came in 2 separate boxes, both had identical order and shipping numbers so it looks like a cock up in the packing department :D
06-23-2012, 01:50 PM
I haven't had a proper look at it yet, been playing ME3 multiplayer most of the morning. It's definitely stylized and not supposed to be an accurate model....It's Bishoujo after all.
Looking forward to the Femshep one as well. PM me if your interested in the spare, we might be able to come to an arrangement.
Awesome, I'll drop you a PM later after I've spoken to my GF as she'll be the one who will want it. lol i have no more room for figures and stuff! >.<
06-25-2012, 07:56 AM
Today i got my first non game but still game related steelbook
And a sonic toy
I did also get the farcry2 CE and a few master system games and ps1 games
06-25-2012, 11:34 AM
Well,i bit the bullet awhile ago & after a tense time of waiting it finally arrived:D
Pics say it all but if you dont know,this is number 5 of 10 worldwide Darksiders Xbox 360 console:)
Also got these today:)
06-25-2012, 03:55 PM
Nice pick ups Hippee, the console display is even better now
06-25-2012, 04:10 PM
Nice pick ups Hippee, the console display is even better now
Cheers:) Its getting there,still a few to go. Got to find where i
packed the rest away,lol. Not worried to much though,am badly
running out of space to put anything,lol:D
06-25-2012, 04:16 PM
A nice box of assorted goodies for me today! :D
I know I've already posted one of these in this thread, but that one was for my GF and this one is mine! :D
Been wanting one of these for ages, so am well pleased to finally have one. Such a gorgeous artbook. :D Just wish I could read Japanese... :(
Been wanting one of these for a while too, but just never got round to getting one... >.<
There was one more thing in the package I received too, but that's not for me, so I haven't opened it yet! XD I'm expecting it to be really nice and will post pics when I get chance! :D
06-25-2012, 04:24 PM
Hi all. I am new here, joined yesterday =]
I thought I'd show the last CE/LE/SE I purchased
I purchased these in Console Connections in Truro, both on the same day. The top one's a bit tatty, but it has been in the shop for a long time I am guessing. Never though I'd get these, I really didn't pay attention that they were around, but I decided to pick them up =]
I look forward to playing them soon though, been itching to try them since I got them :lol:
Enjoy peering at them =P
06-26-2012, 05:50 AM
Got some nice little minions today:)
06-26-2012, 09:24 PM
Just bought a signed MGS4 sleeve, this will be a definite edition to the MGS4 cabinet :D
I'll take a better pic when I get it here.
06-27-2012, 05:44 AM
More goodies for me:D
AC Brotherhood CE-Japan only Release,new & sealed.
The only problem i have is that the damn price stickers are under the seal wrapping.
I dont think they would have come like that,so maybe its a possible re-seal??
Company i got it from is reputable so i am fairly sure its new inside etc,just
a huge pain in the bum the stickers are under the seal wrap.
Bulletstorm Nutcracker-Promo item,not available in stores & issued before game release
06-27-2012, 06:18 AM
More goodies for me:D
AC Brotherhood CE-Japan only Release,new & sealed.
The only problem i have is that the damn price stickers are under the seal wrapping.
I dont think they would have come like that,so maybe its a possible re-seal??
Company i got it from is reputable so i am fairly sure its new inside etc,just
a huge pain in the bum the stickers are under the seal wrap.
Bulletstorm Nutcracker-Promo item,not available in stores & issued before game release
Wham kind of expendable income do you have o.O
06-27-2012, 06:34 AM
Wham kind of expendable income do you have o.O
Didnt you know,i'm a multi millionare...not,lol.
I'm just a good bargain hunter & negotiator i think:)
If somethings cheap or isnt common i grab it.
To many times i used to let things pass by with a thought of
"I'll get it later" Then later comes,its twice the price & puts
a hell of a dent in any budget if i really want it:)
Oh & no way did i pay the price thats on AC Brotherhood,that would be crazy,lol
06-27-2012, 06:41 AM
Didnt you know,i'm a multi millionare...not,lol.
I'm just a good bargain hunter & negotiator i think:)
If somethings cheap or isnt common i grab it.
To many times i used to let things pass by with a thought of
"I'll get it later" Then later comes,its twice the price & puts
a hell of a dent in any budget if i really want it:)
Oh & no way did i pay the price thats on AC Brotherhood,that would be crazy,lol
See in my head that price sticker combined with the 2 xboxes and the xbox stand it looked like you had randomly dripped about 2k is the last 2 weeks
06-27-2012, 06:56 AM
See in my head that price sticker combined with the 2 xboxes and the xbox stand it looked like you had randomly dripped about 2k is the last 2 weeks
If you went by the AC price sticker it would closer to $2500,lol.
The xbox stand was cheap enough at $190 delivered & these arent easy to find anymore.
The most exspensive was the Darksiders console at just under $1000 delivered to my door.
But they are extremely rare & theres only 10 of them in the world that exist,very rarely will
you see them even come up for sale,if they do its usually twice what i paid for it.
06-27-2012, 07:01 AM
Did the darksiders console origionally come with a box? I still dont have anything that limited, maybe my one of a kind knuckles keyring but in reality its worthless lol, though im looking into getting one of the remaining 207 i think? final fight arcades
06-27-2012, 07:20 AM
Did the darksiders console origionally come with a box? I still dont have anything that limited, maybe my one of a kind knuckles keyring but in reality its worthless lol, though im looking into getting one of the remaining 207 i think? final fight arcades
Just a standard Xbox 360 Elite box. What happens is a basic console
is sent in to whoever is doing it,such as Colorware in the US,they then
strip the console down paint or decorate how its ordered then re-assembled
& sent to the company who ordered it. Sometimes it could be game
developers,film companies etc or microsoft themselves who request them.
The reasons can be varied why from the release of a particular movie or
game,to celebrate something in particular,the list is endless.
Sometimes it may only be one ever made or a batch of 10 such as
the Darksiders console. The Simpsons console for example was a batch
of 100 consoles,so the numbers do vary.
The consoles are either given to a particular person or company for
some reason,auctioned off for charity or can be won in a contest
as was the case for the Darksiders console.
Something that you may think is worthless others may think is valuable:)
06-27-2012, 07:38 AM
Just a standard Xbox 360 Elite box. What happens is a basic console
is sent in to whoever is doing it,such as Colorware in the US,they then
strip the console down paint or decorate how its ordered then re-assembled
& sent to the company who ordered it. Sometimes it could be game
developers,film companies etc or microsoft themselves who request them.
The reasons can be varied why from the release of a particular movie or
game,to celebrate something in particular,the list is endless.
Sometimes it may only be one ever made or a batch of 10 such as
the Darksiders console. The Simpsons console for example was a batch
of 100 consoles,so the numbers do vary.
The consoles are either given to a particular person or company for
some reason,auctioned off for charity or can be won in a contest
as was the case for the Darksiders console.
Something that you may think is worthless others may think is valuable:)
Saves me waiting for one to pop up with a box lol
If the last bit is a hint at my keyring its one of a kind cause his body fell off :D
On topic i got one of the gold/silver pokemon gameboy colors in the mail
06-27-2012, 07:42 AM
Saves me waiting for one to pop up with a box lol
If the last bit is a hint at my keyring its one of a kind cause his body fell off :D
On topic i got one of the gold/silver pokemon gameboy colors in the mail
Manufacturing Faults can be collectable:D,lol
Did you get the box with the gameboy?
06-27-2012, 07:46 AM
Nah its one of those cheap ones from a chinese dvd store
06-27-2012, 07:50 AM
Nah its one of those cheap ones from a chinese dvd store
What a bummer
If interested i actually have a few Pokemon Gameboy games available,
unfortunately if i included those in your box it may make it a bit more
exspensive. Will see what i can work out,no promises though
06-27-2012, 07:54 AM
What a bummer
If interested i actually have a few Pokemon Gameboy games available,
unfortunately if i included those in your box it may make it a bit more
exspensive. Will see what i can work out,no promises though
Theres always next week lol, so far i have.. Damn only 8 out of how many different colors and versions of gameboys?... Sucks wanting one of every color luckily it doesnt matter to me if they work or not (not that it helps the prices sometimes)
06-27-2012, 08:38 AM
What is the Gold/silver GBC? Is that the Yellow gameboy with the blue back?
I've got one of those boxed :D xx
06-27-2012, 08:45 AM
This one, Sadly mine is pretty scuffed, unboxed and has the wrong backing..
for what im planning to do i dont necessarily need the box or back as i intend to set them all in a giant fishtank.. but always useful when it has them
im guessing yours is this one?
06-27-2012, 08:48 AM
Almost :)
This one: 0_n.jpg
Not my image btw xx
06-27-2012, 08:57 AM
oops copied wrong image lol, i have..
a boxed, gameboy pocket - blue, Gameboy color teal, and a gameboy pocket ac adapter
unboxed are a red and silver gameboy pocket, the pokemon gameboy, 3 original gameboys, a ds and a clear gb advance.. i should really take pics and put them in my collection lol
06-27-2012, 09:02 AM
I have:
Unboxed: Clear Gameboy Pocket, Silver GBASP, White GBA, Purple GBA, Pink DSLite.
Boxed: Pokemon GBC, Silver GBASP, Zelda GBASP, Ice White GBA, White DSi, Black DSi, Aqua Blue 3DS and MGS 3DS :) xx
06-27-2012, 09:09 AM
nice, all this talk reminds me i have to enroll into the museum practices course i want to do
06-27-2012, 02:40 PM
Which one Chloe, Cert II or IV?
Just picked up a sealed AC II White edition on 360, small rip on the bottom near the front and a couple of creases near the bottom, but otherwise not too bad for $30 i think.
06-27-2012, 02:58 PM
Which one Chloe, Cert II or IV?
Just picked up a sealed AC II White edition on 360, small rip on the bottom near the front and a couple of creases near the bottom, but otherwise not too bad for $30 i think.
Good price,thats all i paid for mine. Well,$30 +$15 postge,lol.
Unfortunately the seller didnt pack it to well & it rolled around
in the box a bit resulting in a few dents in the box:(
06-27-2012, 03:07 PM
Good price,thats all i paid for mine. Well,$30 +$15 postge,lol.
Unfortunately the seller didnt pack it to well & it rolled around
in the box a bit resulting in a few dents in the box:(
yeah same with mine, but he'd posted a classifieds ad saying he was trying one last time to sell it before he opened it up and traded the game in and gave the contents to vinnies.... i felt so bad because it was like stealing from charity
06-27-2012, 08:33 PM
Which one Chloe, Cert II or IV?
Just picked up a sealed AC II White edition on 360, small rip on the bottom near the front and a couple of creases near the bottom, but otherwise not too bad for $30 i think.
Probably cert iv even with what looks like a 4k price tag :(
But the preservation unit will be usefull, and maybe i can use it to foward the collection into something grander
06-27-2012, 09:14 PM
Here's the other item which came with my box of goodies the other day! :D
Slight dent on the top corner on the front. Signed By American McGee inside! :1: Unfortunately, that's not for me, it's my GF's, but the artbook is awesome and I'm dead jealous of it! lol
06-27-2012, 09:26 PM
Here's the other item which came with my box of goodies the other day! :D
Slight dent on the top corner on the front. Signed By American McGee inside! :1: Unfortunately, that's not for me, it's my GF's, but the artbook is awesome and I'm dead jealous of it! lol
:O that looks awesome, now i want one, the figures are hard to find aswell
06-27-2012, 11:53 PM
I'm currently engaged in a bidding war for the bayonetta scarborogh fair gun. I will NOT let this slip my grasp.
06-28-2012, 12:01 AM
Damn didnt think the gun aline would be worth that much (if i found the right ebay page that is)
06-28-2012, 12:25 AM
Damn didnt think the gun aline would be worth that much (if i found the right ebay page that is)
I must have one. Bayonetta is one of my fav. Games, also as Australia only, it's a teensy bit rare. Did the page you look at only have 2 results? I'm bidding on the non freight one. Outbid me and die.
06-28-2012, 12:33 AM
I don't really mind if I lose. The gun seems to be like the AA baterang - completely solid. Also reports of bad Painting. But if I do win, I'll have a complete bayonetta collection -uk climax edition, aus gun, FULL soundtrack, full artbook, playarts, etc.
06-28-2012, 01:06 AM
I must have one. Bayonetta is one of my fav. Games, also as Australia only, it's a teensy bit rare. Did the page you look at only have 2 results? I'm bidding on the non freight one. Outbid me and die.
As a general rule i dont make a point of bidding on something that someone i know is going for incase in the future i need some kind of business done with that person.. I have the climax edition picked it up for $20, i thought there were 2 gun versions, white box and art box, although i didnt mind the game i wasnt a fan of her hat and glasses
06-28-2012, 08:16 AM
Probably cert iv even with what looks like a 4k price tag :(
But the preservation unit will be usefull, and maybe i can use it to foward the collection into something grander
From memory you'd have to do both, but the cert II counts for 1/2 of the cert IV units. I did the cert II and it was extremely interesting and very useful, I wish I had continued and done the cert IV. If you can get onto a centrelink payment ie youth Allowance/ Newstart you can do it $50 a semester, leaving more money for CEs.
Btw Hippie how did you manage to find that Assassin's Creed, was that only through Ubisoft Japan store?
06-28-2012, 09:30 AM
Here's the other item which came with my box of goodies the other day! :D
Slight dent on the top corner on the front. Signed By American McGee inside! :1: Unfortunately, that's not for me, it's my GF's, but the artbook is awesome and I'm dead jealous of it! lol
Was that the one up for sale for something like $230?
If it was i would surely have expected it to be damage free.
:O that looks awesome, now i want one, the figures are hard to find aswell
Tell me about it,it doesnt help either there are 2,3 or more variations
on the figures & some that are exclusives like the Tower records version
Btw Hippie how did you manage to find that Assassin's Creed, was that only through Ubisoft Japan store?
You wont find this in any Ubisoft store,anywhere. They are rare as
hens teeth to find & until i found it it was the first i knew Japan had
a CE of it. Funny thing is the damn thing is almost like the first AC
tin except for the brotherhood picture on one side. The other side
has exactly the same symbol as the first AC CE & is the same size
as well as thickness of it. Almost like they thought "Oh,we have left
overs,lets use them up" Lol:)
If i manage to locate another i will let you know,but be prepared to
spend some dollars on one. It didnt cost the price of $439 thats on
the front either but,it will put a small dent in your wallet:)
06-28-2012, 10:51 AM
Was that the one up for sale for something like $230?
If it was i would surely have expected it to be damage free.
No it wasn't that one. You wouldnt catch me paying that kind of money for a book! Lol She got this significantly cheaper than the one on eBay knowing that there was damage to it. She's not fussy about slight imperfections on stuff so long as the price is good! Lol
06-28-2012, 02:41 PM
From memory you'd have to do both, but the cert II counts for 1/2 of the cert IV units. I did the cert II and it was extremely interesting and very useful, I wish I had continued and done the cert IV. If you can get onto a centrelink payment ie youth Allowance/ Newstart you can do it $50 a semester, leaving more money for CEs.
Btw Hippie how did you manage to find that Assassin's Creed, was that only through Ubisoft Japan store?
Not trying to make a gaming museum too are you? Unless i quit work of which im tempted to do for other reasons, i will have to shell out the full 4k (
Prince of Persia Steelbook
4x London 2012 Steelbook (all sealed)
06-28-2012, 05:15 PM
Witcher 2 - Xbox 360
Max Payne 3 - PS3
Mimana Iyar Chronicle - PSP
later :
Tom Clancy Splinter Cell conviction - PC
06-28-2012, 09:17 PM
Do the London 2012 steelbooks have the games inside? Or are they empty xx
Do the London 2012 steelbooks have the games inside? Or are they empty xx
They are empty and were given along with the game :)
06-28-2012, 10:19 PM
Awesome thanks :D Mine should be here tomorrow :) xx
06-28-2012, 10:20 PM
They are empty and were given along with the game :)
How did you get you get 4? Can i have one :D
How did you get you get 4? Can i have one :D
haha, these are not my Steelbooks ;)
you should ask StyX who posted the picture, he might have one left for you :)
06-28-2012, 10:42 PM
haha, these are not my Steelbooks ;)
you should ask StyX who posted the picture, he might have one left for you :)
:O i quoted the wrong one... Stupid phone.. I was just going to be annoying and make a joke about wanting free stuff anyway, ive used up my weekly allowance on hippeedudes mysterybox.
06-28-2012, 10:50 PM
got 2 copies of london 2012 (which btw has got really good reviews)
so gunna have 2 steels will get more if needs be
06-28-2012, 11:04 PM
How much do they cost?
06-28-2012, 11:11 PM
i got them for 29GBP.... they are 33GBP at amazon right now
06-30-2012, 02:48 AM
Brink Steelbook and Fist of the North Star Steelbook.
I wasn't much into steelbooks, but hey, after seeing some of them here i really can't pass some of them :x.
06-30-2012, 01:57 PM
Prince of Persia Press kit
Resistance: Fall of Men press kit
Pics come later
Uncharted Drakes fortune press kit
07-01-2012, 12:49 AM
Very nice gazhims3lv :)
07-01-2012, 04:49 PM
my pickups this week
07-02-2012, 05:51 PM
My signed MGS4 white sleeve arrived this morning :D
" The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - 5th Anniversary Edition " Steelbook
for Pc from Ebay Canada (
07-03-2012, 07:37 PM
I just bought a Mass Effect 3 Alliance edition from ebay, been after one for a while, well chuffed :D$(KGrHqZHJD!E-lFukfh7BPt83zU!Lg~~60_57.JPG
07-03-2012, 08:08 PM
Awesome Gaz! :D How much that set you back? Been meaning to grab one for a while! lol It come with the game or without?
07-03-2012, 08:12 PM
It comes with the game, it cost £150 + postage of £12.75.
I'd been watching it for a while and I'm sure he dropped the price significantly so I snapped it up :D
I bid on one not long ago and it went for about this price, got outbid by a pound at the last second....
Ebay link:
07-03-2012, 08:13 PM
Awesome mate! :D Knew they would come up at better prices sooner or later! :D
Great purchase! ^o^ Congrats! :D
07-03-2012, 08:27 PM
Thanks dude, I'll get some better pics of it when it arrives.
07-04-2012, 01:28 AM
That alliance edition is now on the top of my to get list
07-04-2012, 01:45 AM
New arrivals to my door:)
Seller also included these but,not sure where they come from
This came through as well:)
Also got a few other bits & pieces so will put some more up when camera recharges:)
07-04-2012, 01:54 AM
Those Bioshock thingies look like bootlegs; not the faceplate package, the extras I mean. I see those kinds of fakes on eBay all the time.
07-04-2012, 02:09 AM
Those Bioshock thingies look like bootlegs; not the faceplate package, the extras I mean. I see those kinds of fakes on eBay all the time.
I kind of thought that may be possible but,its on quite thick stiff paper
type material,not really flimsy at all. I have seen one or two of them
before,i just cant remeber where,but they werent a fake item that i saw.
07-04-2012, 02:00 PM
That alliance edition is now on the top of my to get list
I'll let you know if I see any at reasonable prices :)
07-04-2012, 02:37 PM
I'll let you know if I see any at reasonable prices :)
Cheapest i found was 189 euro, dunno if i can trust it though, i also wamt the ME press kit
Might just settle for the final fantasy 1&2 premium box
Back on topic recent purchase is a lightning play arts figure
07-04-2012, 02:45 PM
Will be doing a nice big update of recent stuff this weekend, since it's my birthday on Saturday :D xx
07-04-2012, 02:45 PM
Cheapest i found was 189 euro, dunno if i can trust it though, i also wamt the ME press kit
Might just settle for the final fantasy 1&2 premium box
Back on topic recent purchase is a lightning play arts figure
Got any pics of that ME press kit? I've been looking for one but never found one.
I just managed to secure a MGS3 subsistence copy signed by Hideo Kojima, it's the German version, I'd prefer a UK one but you can't have everything.
Looking forward to the updates Vhal.
07-04-2012, 02:51 PM
Will be doing a nice big update of recent stuff this weekend, since it's my birthday on Saturday :D xx
Happy birthday, i should send you a present, not sure what your maing collecting focus is though
The only pics ive seen of it were taken off a penny arcade video
07-04-2012, 03:39 PM
You'll be referring to the Cerberus tin then, I assume. Saw one on eBay earlier this year listed for about £2,000~. Don't think it's a press kit. Gomes with CE copies ME2 for pc and Xbox and also comes with the first 3 novels, if I remember rightly...
Was given away in a competition on a website somewhere. Lol sorry for being vague! :P
07-04-2012, 03:56 PM
2000... Il just buy an assault rifle instead
07-04-2012, 04:07 PM
2000... Il just buy an assault rifle instead
Well,if you lived in Louisanna US you could no problems at all & you
wouldnt need a licence for it either,lol:D
07-04-2012, 04:15 PM
Because it was cheap...
Came in the post today! ^o^ will go nicely with my other one! lol
07-04-2012, 04:22 PM
OMG where did you find that!?!
07-04-2012, 04:26 PM
They have it in stock on 365games for £20! :D I got it a bit cheaper though because I had some points to use on there. Paid £10 for it! :D Can't moan! :P
They posted it in a box too, with bubblewrap, which I was quite surprised about... 0.0
07-04-2012, 04:39 PM
OMG where did you find that!?!
You ask & you want,here you go. Free delivery in AU as well:D
OH,sign up with them as well so you get points & special deals:)
07-04-2012, 05:14 PM
Was about to ask about ozgame affiliation with 365 when i saw the layout, might sign up and order tmz, are there only 2 so far?
Guess this means i should buy the game lol
07-04-2012, 05:25 PM
Was about to ask about ozgame affiliation with 365 when i saw the layout, might sign up and order tmz, are there only 2 so far?
Guess this means i should buy the game lol
As far as i know theres only the Cheetah & Malteze tiger.
Same place given sells both & its not a bad price:)
Can sell you a good xbox 360 console as well if you need one,lol
07-04-2012, 05:27 PM
Tiger is out of stock, got 2 360's and 2 kinects lol, black elite and starwars
07-04-2012, 05:34 PM
Tiger is out of stock, got 2 360's and 2 kinects lol, black elite and starwars
Bugger,well there will be somewhere in AU that will sell them,its
just a hunting game,a tiger hunt,lol:)
07-04-2012, 05:39 PM
Gah now holy diver is stuck in my head
07-05-2012, 12:32 PM
Happy birthday, i should send you a present, not sure what your maing collecting focus is though
The only pics ive seen of it were taken off a penny arcade video
Oh yeah I remember that now.
You'll be referring to the Cerberus tin then, I assume. Saw one on eBay earlier this year listed for about £2,000~. Don't think it's a press kit. Gomes with CE copies ME2 for pc and Xbox and also comes with the first 3 novels, if I remember rightly...
Was given away in a competition on a website somewhere. Lol sorry for being vague! :P
Any decent pics of it floating around? The only one I've seen is the penny arcade one.
07-10-2012, 02:07 PM
The duplicating continues..... :bday:
07-11-2012, 04:29 AM
Got my lightning play arts and kinectimals king cheetah today... That is one ugly kitty
07-11-2012, 04:38 PM
Got the Max Payne 3 Special Edition. It's quite nice but it think it would of been better with a little bit more stuff in it like an artbook or something.
07-11-2012, 05:54 PM
The duplicating continues..... :bday:
Nice! Thats probably my favourite steelbook. Love NHL (obv).
What numbers did you get?
07-11-2012, 06:01 PM
Got my lightning play arts and kinectimals king cheetah today... That is one ugly kitty
Its cute,dont be mean,lol. All you need now is the other one:)
07-12-2012, 05:27 AM
Its cute,dont be mean,lol. All you need now is the other one:)
In time, ive seen the other and its cuter,
On the way are 2 pc mafia 2 CE's and just picked up a second GoW 2 LE in good condition for a pretty good price
There's also some mass effect figures coming for jess's bday present, im 2 off a full set for her, getting them next week
Anyone have a spare HC guide for ME2 or a ME1 guide or the art of mass effect book spare?
07-12-2012, 11:22 AM
New stuffs! ^o^ It's like Christmas come early! :D
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood NTSC CE.
Need For Speed Shift 2 Unleashed Steelbook. It's damaged, but I'm happy with it for the price, because I won't ever pay the usual going rate for them... :S
Anno 1404 CE. Have forwarded one of these for a member and decided it was so nice, I would buy one myself. :D
07-12-2012, 02:20 PM
What's the box of that Anno 1404 CE like? Real wood?
Looks good for the cheap price you can get them for, amazon for £17.99.
07-12-2012, 02:36 PM
Yeap, real wood...I got one ages ago for a bit more...hehehehe
07-12-2012, 09:57 PM
I also like the look of that might grab one.
07-13-2012, 12:35 AM
Yeap, real wood...I got one ages ago for a bit more...hehehehe
Hmmm it's a real steal at the moment, just a shame I've never really heard of the game/series....Might get one anyway for that price.
07-13-2012, 12:51 AM
fallout 3 ce (new for $30)
07-13-2012, 08:39 PM
fallout 3 ce (new for $30)
Good work, any more of them about? Already have 3 of them but a sealed one would be good
Anno 1404 CE. Have forwarded one of these for a member and decided it was so nice, I would buy one myself. :D
Damn :drool: just looking at it
07-14-2012, 03:46 AM
nah its been on clearance at gamestop for a long while however few gamestops have any left instock (had some running around to find this one)
07-14-2012, 03:50 AM
Good work, any more of them about? Already have 3 of them but a sealed one would be good
nah its been on clearance at gamestop for a long while however few gamestops have any left instock (had some running around to find this one)
07-14-2012, 05:33 AM
I bought 2 of the fallout 3 collectors for the ps3 last year for $17 each at gamestop because they put them as used but keep them sealed. Not all gamestop keep them sealed when they marked them down to used but some stores do.
07-14-2012, 06:35 AM
I bought 2 of the fallout 3 collectors for the ps3 last year for $17 each at gamestop because they put them as used but keep them sealed. Not all gamestop keep them sealed when they marked them down to used but some stores do.
here in canada i dont think they sell used ces, at least never come across any
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