View Full Version : Last CE/LE/SE you purchased or got
05-09-2013, 11:40 PM
Just picked up a gears 1 CE, someone stole my art book a fer years back in share housing so now i have a complete undamaged one
05-09-2013, 11:41 PM
Just picked up a gears 1 CE, someone stole my art book a fer years back in share housing so now i have a complete undamaged one
Should've said sooner
I would've sent you one for free :P
05-09-2013, 11:43 PM
It cost $12 so shipping would have cost more lol
05-09-2013, 11:53 PM
Just picked up a gears 1 CE, someone stole my art book a fer years back in share housing so now i have a complete undamaged one
How is the status of the tinbox, is quite difficult to find these days one with no dents, or scratchings, or damaged sleeve...there' always something damaged... Have two of this CE, but still looking for the perfect one...
It will take a while... (Don't want to buy a new sealed highly overpriced)...
So...just patience...
05-10-2013, 12:03 AM
Just picked up a gears 1 CE, someone stole my art book a fer years back in share housing so now i have a complete undamaged one
I feel you, I had loads of stuff stolen when I shared a house. The worst was my full tang battle ready Japanese Tanto dagger....If I find out who stole it I'll impale him or her with my straight blade 'Ninjato' ninja sword!!!....Even in my cumbersome hands it'll chop a tin can clean in half!!
05-10-2013, 01:05 AM
So a few things arrived today.... :banana:
Injustice Press Kit ( (
Ahh that is where my Injustice kit went... they sent it to the wrong person :D
Nice BTW
Oh... is the a deck of cards? The seller of mine said there were cards of some sort (probably a separate promo item of some sort).
05-10-2013, 01:16 AM
Ahh that is where my Injustice kit went... they sent it to the wrong person :D
Nice BTW
Oh... is the a deck of cards? The seller of mine said there were cards of some sort (probably a separate promo item of some sort).
Ah... Forgot to photo those... There is a pack of cards but not part of the pk - was a promo item but still not worked out where from... Def in Asia but also see to be a very few around Europe... :think:
Wish it was your PK- would have saved me some bucks... :spiteful:
05-10-2013, 01:22 AM
Ah... Forgot to photo those... There is a pack of cards but not part of the pk - was a promo item but still not worked out where from... Def in Asia but also see to be a very few around Europe... :think:
Wish it was your PK- would have saved me some bucks... :spiteful:
Can you send (or post) a pic if you get a chance?
Now, now... I just got lucky :surrender:
05-10-2013, 01:27 AM
Can you send (or post) a pic if you get a chance?
Now, now... I just got lucky :surrender:
Your wish is my command..... ;) (
05-10-2013, 01:29 AM
05-10-2013, 01:32 AM
Really hate you mag... ;p
Thats so smooth...
Congrats for the second time!! Amazing injustice rare stuff!!!
Have a little hate for flatout too...hehehehe (Bioshock Infinite PK...fffff)
Just kidding...glad you have it!!!! :)
05-10-2013, 01:39 AM
Really hate you mag... ;p
Thats so smooth...
Congrats for the second time!! Amazing injustice rare stuff!!!
Have a little hate for flatout too...hehehehe (Bioshock Infinite PK...fffff)
Just kidding...glad you have it!!!! :)
I felt the same way when I first found this forum (still do with some of our esteemed member's collections)... but if you want them bad enough you will find a way, and in time you will get one.
05-10-2013, 01:50 AM
Yessss... That's it flatout...
Fight for you want to get!!! And never surrender!!!
In life and in the CE lifestyle...
05-10-2013, 11:26 AM
05-10-2013, 02:17 PM
you been shopping at s franklands too?
05-10-2013, 02:19 PM
you been shopping at s franklands too?
No these are from the bay
05-10-2013, 02:26 PM
Nice pen lady!!! :drool:
05-10-2013, 02:35 PM
Yessss... That's it flatout...
Fight for you want to get!!! And never surrender!!!
In life and in the CE lifestyle...
Loving that attitude!!! :clap:
05-10-2013, 04:19 PM
New goodies! ^o^ Thanks to those who have helped me with some of these items! ^o^ (
Gears of War is the GAME UK Steelbook Ed. Found it in CEX. ^o^ Got just the steelbook and sleeve as already had the game. ^o^
05-10-2013, 04:38 PM
Very nice lily :thumb:
Pen is the best looking piece imo as well
New goodies! ^o^ Thanks to those who have helped me with some of these items! ^o^ (
Gears of War is the GAME UK Steelbook Ed. Found it in CEX. ^o^ Got just the steelbook and sleeve as already had the game. ^o^
Love the steels Cosmic :)
Find it funny that a single seller can change the mexican exclusive steelbooks from being among the rarest (hardest to get) G2 steels into rather easy to get steels
Still love me those mexican g2's
And the zelda CE guides all look great and go well together
Will have to pick them all up at some point
05-10-2013, 04:54 PM
You bought the Phantom hourglass CE guide in the forum Cosmic?
It's missed on my Guide colletion... :(
One of these days will have to open a WTB thread...but maybe it's way too long...will think my priorities first...
05-10-2013, 06:17 PM
right i held back n showing these off so mags and cosmic could show off their meager wares so.....
i completely over shot this one, i thought it was something else what the history on ths steel what assassins creed was it released alongside?
also ni no soundtrack with hidden dubstep track
05-10-2013, 06:21 PM
right i held back n showing these off so mags and cosmic could show off their meager wares so.....
i completely over shot this one, i thought it was something else what the history on ths steel what assassins creed was it released alongside?
also ni no soundtrack with hidden dubstep track
Great pickups coma :)
Love both the steel and the ni no soundtrack
Haven't seen that before
That AC steelbook is a Canadian Futureshop steelbook that was released alongside AC Revelations thus the 4 discs holders that could hold all PS3 games up until ACR
05-10-2013, 06:25 PM
Love the steels Cosmic :)
Find it funny that a single seller can change the mexican exclusive steelbooks from being among the rarest (hardest to get) G2 steels into rather easy to get steels
Still love me those mexican g2's
And the zelda CE guides all look great and go well together
Will have to pick them all up at some point
Yeah the Mexican steels are smart. :D Shame there's no inside artwork though. :( I got them from a member here. ^o^
Yeah, the Zelda CE guides are nice. Still need to get a Twilight princess guide, but haven't found one I am prepared to pay the price for. I bought one last year for a member to forward to me with some other items I had paid for as the ebay seller wouldn't ship internationally and then that member lied about sending the item then disappeared. :( Good riddance to bad rubbish is all I can say.
So now I'm reluctant to spend alot on a Twilight princess guide now. >.< Just waiting for the right price. :D
You bought the Phantom hourglass CE guide in the forum Cosmic?
It's missed on my Guide colletion... :(
One of these days will have to open a WTB thread...but maybe it's way too long...will think my priorities first...
Nah, the guide I bought off ebay but a good member here forwarded it for me as the seller wouldn't ship international. I already have an open copy, but have wanted a sealed one for a while and this one came up at a good price, even including the cost of posting. :D
05-10-2013, 06:25 PM
Great pickups coma :)
Love both the steel and the ni no soundtrack
Haven't seen that before
That AC steelbook is a Canadian Futureshop steelbook that was released alongside AC Revelations thus the 4 discs holders that could hold all PS3 games up until ACR
aahhh thank you i thought i was buying a revelations steel for some reason, must look harder in the future
yeh ni no soundtrack is nice dont know how long it will keep from listening to lamb of god but it is nice
05-10-2013, 06:30 PM
I keep Zelda guides as you Cosmic...
One open, one freak... lol
05-10-2013, 06:44 PM
HAHA. I didn't do that intentionally. XD I bought a used PH guide last year as it was cheap with the plan of replacing it with a sealed one if one came up cheap enough. Still need to find me a sealed Twilight princess guide... will play the waiting game... :D
05-10-2013, 07:43 PM
HAHA. I didn't do that intentionally. XD I bought a used PH guide last year as it was cheap with the plan of replacing it with a sealed one if one came up cheap enough. Still need to find me a sealed Twilight princess guide... will play the waiting game... :D
B'ah that's bad luck, I've got a spare Twilight Princess but the condition isn't perfect :(
Love the Phantom Hourglass one though, that's the only one I still need from the Zelda ones, that style anyway. Really nice guides :)
05-11-2013, 12:17 AM
No problem, glad to see it got there safely it was quite an unusual item to pack and a challenge
Nice low number as well, do you have the other two from the SDCC set
My Liara signed one was just cancelled... BOOOO!
At least I have an unsigned one framed and on my wall to look at and cry about it not being signed :P
05-11-2013, 03:21 AM
For some reason, I really like this lol.
05-11-2013, 01:43 PM
For some reason, I really like this lol.
Wow...this is a normal comic you can get at a store?
Or something especial for preordering???
By my side, finally completed my Ghibli steelbook collection with Arriety, that was the last to arrive...
Looks so awesome with the Ni No Kuni steel included on it!!
Feel happy!!! :woohoo:
05-11-2013, 01:46 PM
Wow...this is a normal comic you can get at a store?
Or something especial for preordering???
By my side, finally completed my Ghibli steelbook collection with Arriety, that was the last to arrive...
Looks so awesome with the Ni No Kuni steel included on it!!
Feel happy!!! :woohoo:
Thats awesome, are they blu ray steels or DVD? I love SG i want to track those down now
05-11-2013, 01:55 PM
All of these are G1 sized Dvd Collector's Edition. The other dvd ghibli titles have no steel, 4 of them just a card sleeve and two just the case.
And the blurays I have comes in the normal combo bluray package.
Only Ni No Kuni is G2 sized as being a ps3 exclusive of course.
But will put them together.
05-11-2013, 03:31 PM
Wow...this is a normal comic you can get at a store?
Or something especial for preordering???
By my side, finally completed my Ghibli steelbook collection with Arriety, that was the last to arrive...
Looks so awesome with the Ni No Kuni steel included on it!!
Feel happy!!! :woohoo:
I'm not sure.
I got it from Gamestop.
They don't have it for sale, it was a promo item they received along some pins which I also got 1.
The manager there is cool, and he knew I liked this promo stuff, so he just gave it to me lol.
I'm going to assume you can just buy it at comic stores.
That is a really SG collection.
I love SG overall.
Spirited Away has got to be my favorite ever.
El Castillo Ambulante is a close second.
05-11-2013, 04:53 PM
A couple more goodies today! :D (
A couple of those are for my group buy. The others are mine. Thought they all made a great pic though! ^o^
Also got this as I loved this game when I was a kid and never had a copy. Saw this sealed copy at a reasonable price, so snapped it up. :D (
That is all. :D
05-11-2013, 05:02 PM
By my side, finally completed my Ghibli steelbook collection with Arriety, that was the last to arrive...
Looks so awesome with the Ni No Kuni steel included on it!!
Feel happy!!! :woohoo:
Viking that is stunning to look at - beautiful selection!! And the Arietty was well well worth waiting for... :swoon:
They are truly stunning and the Ghibli touch is so obvious in the collection :)
05-11-2013, 05:13 PM
Wow...this is a normal comic you can get at a store?
Or something especial for preordering???
By my side, finally completed my Ghibli steelbook collection with Arriety, that was the last to arrive...
Looks so awesome with the Ni No Kuni steel included on it!!
Feel happy!!! :woohoo:
Love them
I feel bad we don't get that in the UK
No English studio ghibli steel books that I am aware of
05-11-2013, 05:18 PM
No, they don't. And it's quite of strange, becouse I'm a huge movie collector and most of the movies comes with english audio as well as subs.
But these steels just spanish and japanese audio and rare...
05-11-2013, 05:36 PM
No, they don't. And it's quite of strange, becouse I'm a huge movie collector and most of the movies comes with english audio as well as subs.
But these steels just spanish and japanese audio and rare...
I have found a few Jumbo steel books but not steelbooks
05-11-2013, 05:42 PM
I can try to find some of them, but mononoke and totoro will be impossible for sure...
Will take a look at the other steels...
05-11-2013, 05:48 PM
I can try to find some of them, but mononoke and totoro will be impossible for sure...
Will take a look at the other steels...
Each ghibli release has had a jumbo steelbook release in malaysia in dual language English and malaysian
05-11-2013, 10:24 PM
Strange, that's the variant comic that comes with US CEs.
05-12-2013, 05:10 AM
Got one or two items to add,but rather than clog up this page with double pics of things i have put them all in my intro thread thingy. Click the link below, Happy Viewing:)
05-13-2013, 03:04 PM
Had a day off so went shopping in Nottingham. Got myself a play arts kai FemShep (the last on they had in Forbidden Planet) Paragon lost on DVD (no blurays to be had :( ) and the first Dexter novel to tide me over until the next season starts.
05-13-2013, 03:08 PM
Really like femshep!!! Kai arts make great stuff...
Enjoy!!! (But inside the box I
Love my Halo ones...
05-13-2013, 03:13 PM
Hehe yeah it's staying boxed I think, though I have displayed some of my MGS ones...They only have a small circle sticker for a seal.
05-14-2013, 12:23 PM
Got it in a shop local to me! ^o^ (
Unfortunately, that crease was made by my carelessness when I put it in my car! :facepalm: It's just missing the game.
05-14-2013, 12:23 PM
Congrats :) How much did it cost you?
Gutter for the crease :( xx
05-14-2013, 12:25 PM
Awesome! How much?
05-14-2013, 12:46 PM
30gbp. :v:
05-14-2013, 12:49 PM
Nice :) xx
05-14-2013, 12:49 PM
did you close the boot hinge on it or something?
05-14-2013, 12:50 PM
30gbp. :v:
Cosmic wins
And your prize :???: :this:
05-14-2013, 12:51 PM
did you close the boot hinge on it or something?
It was in a bag with another box and I put the bag in the boot, but didn't lie the bag down and the back of speaker crushed the edge of the box as I shut the boot!!! :facepalm:
05-14-2013, 01:02 PM
Only 30? NICE!
05-14-2013, 01:03 PM
Got it in a shop local to me! ^o^ (
Unfortunately, that crease was made by my carelessness when I put it in my car! :facepalm: It's just missing the game.
Superb price!!! :1:
HOOLIGAN!!!! :twisted:
05-14-2013, 01:48 PM
Superb price!!! :1:
HOOLIGAN!!!! :twisted:
Lol it wasn't intentional. My heart sank when I realised what I did! >.<
05-14-2013, 02:14 PM
Lol it wasn't intentional. My heart sank when I realised what I did! >.<
I can imagine... :this: :hug:
05-14-2013, 02:19 PM
Nice find on the AC2! Looks like it would have been in near mint condition as well until your little mishap.
05-14-2013, 07:46 PM
30gbp. :v:
well taking into account the damage and it is third hand will you take 15?
05-15-2013, 02:51 AM
well taking into account the damage and it is third hand will you take 15?
Cosmic ignore this lowballer. 25 is my very attractive offer :beach:
05-15-2013, 02:54 AM
Cosmic ignore this lowballer. 25 is my very attractive offer :beach:
will go to 26
05-15-2013, 06:06 AM
29,99 - shipping last and only offer :nea:
:D sry for trolling nice find pal! ^^
05-15-2013, 06:27 AM
Great Find Cosmic :thumb:
Wish all black editions were so easy to come by :P
05-15-2013, 01:03 PM
Now my Super Mario figurine finaly came :D
Good condition and all..
And good with package around in at all.. IT was in a white box with a plastic window, and then there was bubblewrap around the figurine, and in around the white box there was something to take care of it too :) The white box was a bit damage, but nothing wrong the figurine :)
It is about 10 cm with bowsers horn :)
05-15-2013, 01:09 PM
Now my Super Mario figurine finaly came :D
Good condition and all..
And good with package around in at all.. IT was in a white box with a plastic window, and then there was bubblewrap around the figurine, and in around the white box there was something to take care of it too :) The white box was a bit damage, but nothing wrong the figurine :)
It is about 10 cm with bowsers horn :)
Nice piece buddie!!!
But 7500 stars for a ten centimeters figure....ffff...was thinkg too in getting it, but too much stars for me...prefer to safe them...
It's half of the Link on Epona figure...
But indeed great figure fo collect...
05-15-2013, 01:17 PM
No no :p
This is not the original one :p I think the original maybe a bit bigger too, and you get it in a "?" box :)
Also Nintendo Club don't work in Denmark, or in Scandinavia because of something stupid I don't remember :p
This one is from ebay for 17 dollars :)
05-15-2013, 01:26 PM
No no :p
This is not the original one :p I think the original maybe a bit bigger too, and you get it in a "?" box :)
Also Nintendo Club don't work in Denmark, or in Scandinavia because of something stupid I don't remember :p
This one is from ebay for 17 dollars :) in this case is a great deal!!!
Really this price, will get one for me...
Thanks for the link mate!!!
05-15-2013, 01:36 PM
Yeah.. At that price I could not say no :)
And it was a ebay I have shopped at sometimes before, and I knew he package the stuff good and all :)
And it is shipped with trackning number and all :)
05-15-2013, 01:42 PM
Yeah mate...17 USD in exchange for euros is totally a bargain...indeed with free shipping...
At the Club nintendo shop it cost 7500 stars and with each game they give you can imagine my face when I saw the size and the stars that it costed...ridiculous...
But this one, comes home...hehehehe..
:woohoo: Hail to the cheap chinese workhand!!! lol
05-15-2013, 05:51 PM
Got my tomb raider art today!!! :cpatch: :swoon:
The Yodel delivery had managed to push this massive cardboard pipe through the catflap!!! :nono:
Unblieveable packaging and they are sooooo stunning. Def going to order some more now... ;)
Texas Fire
05-15-2013, 05:53 PM
:woohoo: Hail to the cheap chinese workhand!!! lollol
Where would we be without them?
05-15-2013, 06:42 PM
Got my tomb raider art today!!! :cpatch: :swoon:
The Yodel delivery had managed to push this massive cardboard pipe through the catflap!!! :nono:
Unblieveable packaging and they are sooooo stunning. Def going to order some more now... ;)
Wow, through the catflap? Haha XD
Same here, I really want to get a few more but unfortunately I can't afford anymore. Really want the Summit print though. It's Allan's 21st on Friday so hopefully he'll get money and be able to get one :P xx
05-16-2013, 02:14 PM
cheers gu8 gav and crix for your help with the above
05-16-2013, 04:33 PM
- "Metal" Proof Sheets-
The art is great.
This would of def. made a good looking steelbook.
05-16-2013, 04:37 PM
- "Metal" Proof Sheets-
The art is great.
This would of def. made a good looking steelbook.
Those are cool items!! :D
05-16-2013, 04:37 PM
cheers gu8 gav and crix for your help with the above
Great pickups buddy :thumb:
Good haul of steels :)
- "Metal" Proof Sheets-
The art is great.
This would of def. made a good looking steelbook.
Grrr you got those
I was waiting for the seller to relist them but never got a reminder about it
At least I know they went to a collector who will appreciate them :)
05-16-2013, 05:29 PM
Those are cool items!! :D
Thanks! Yeah they look nice.
I'm planning on framing them just so they don't get damaged.
A cheap department store frame will do :D
Grrr you got those
I was waiting for the seller to relist them but never got a reminder about it
At least I know they went to a collector who will appreciate them :)
Oh really? haha, sorry! :surrender:
I saw them go up about 2 or 3 times.
Every time I saw them, I liked the art more.
The last time, I saw the price and just put a starting bid.
I guess no one noticed lol.
05-16-2013, 06:56 PM
Great pickups buddy :thumb:
Good haul of steels :)
cheers i like to make me own little ce bundles, sc5 steel will go in the ce
bdl2 will go in vault hunter box and so on
05-16-2013, 07:03 PM
cheers i like to make me own little ce bundles, sc5 steel will go in the ce
bdl2 will go in vault hunter box and so on
Yeah I think like that quite a bit myself
I get some promo items and have the CE and just think how much better the CE would've been if this had been included in the CE
But I guess it probably didn't make sense from a cost standpoint
05-17-2013, 11:59 AM
So...... I finally got my trade item from MLSGhost.... So at least it was sent but let's just say it wasn't worth the wait :( ( ( (
Let's just say that if you decide to chuck a steelbook on a steam boat you probably need a little more than a bubble mailer... :facepalm:
05-17-2013, 12:01 PM
That sucks Mags :( Only a bubble mailer? Wow, didn't think any members here would use so little protection, even shipping within the UK I use a box with tonnes of bubblewrap and some of the foam stuff (from the boxes) if I have it xx
05-17-2013, 12:04 PM
So...... I finally got my trade item from MLSGhost.... So at least it was sent but let's just say it wasn't worth the wait :( ( ( (
Let's just say that if you decide to chuck a steelbook on a steam boat you probably need a little more than a bubble mailer... :Facepalm:
oohh rare bent steel
what did y trade for it?
05-17-2013, 12:04 PM
Ouch...that really hurts..
Sorry Mag...hope you can get your money back!!
05-17-2013, 12:06 PM
That sucks Mags :( Only a bubble mailer? Wow, didn't think any members here would use so little protection
strap me items to a pigeon to cut down on shipping costs, although i do use a lot of bubble wrap
05-17-2013, 12:08 PM
oohh rare bent steel
what did y trade for it?
A very nice Call of Duty World at War steelbook edition complete with everything - weird thing is this was sent after mine arrived so she could easily have used the packaging hers was sent in - oh well!! :banghead:
Anyone fancy a trade offer for a slightly used Star Wars steel??..... :taunt:
Not my week it seems... got this also: ( ( (
05-17-2013, 12:09 PM
Oh man, that sucks Mags :( :hug:
PM coming your way btw :) (Not about the steels haha) xx
05-17-2013, 12:11 PM
A very nice Call of Duty World at War steelbook edition complete with everything - weird thing is this was sent after mine arrived so she could easily have used the packaging hers was sent in - oh well!! :banghead:
Anyone fancy a trade offer for a slightly used Star Wars steel??..... :taunt:
Not my week it seems... got this also: ( ( (
what if the star wars stll got dented when the gowj fell on it :nosleep:
well mlg is a lost cause but if you got gowj from fleabay there is hope of refund?
05-17-2013, 12:13 PM
Not your week mag...
Have you seen a black cat? A One-Eyed-man looked directly at you?
This Gow steel is so awesome to arrive like this...
05-17-2013, 12:19 PM
And, in other news... ( ( ( (
So all is not lost!!! LOL!! Big thanks to Gav for the last two - some trades are so much better than others <3 :hug:
05-17-2013, 12:25 PM
That sucks Mags :( Only a bubble mailer? Wow, didn't think any members here would use so little protection, even shipping within the UK I use a box with tonnes of bubblewrap and some of the foam stuff (from the boxes) if I have it xx
You mean we shouldn't use bubble mailers...? I send everything out in bubble mailers. Especially big boxes. If it won't fit, make it fit... :spiteful:
05-17-2013, 12:37 PM
Man that does suck! Sorry to see that Mags.
You mean we shouldn't use bubble mailers...? I send everything out in bubble mailers. Especially big boxes. If it won't fit, make it fit... :spiteful:
Actually I don't mind having someone use a bubble mailer if they are smart about it. I use them myself BUT I sandwich the steel between 2 hard pieces of cardboard and make the pieces bigger then the steel so that the edges of the cardboard take any impact.
Although seeing how bad those steels were damaged I am not sure a box could have saved them... damn those impacts must have been something.
05-17-2013, 12:52 PM
Man that does suck! Sorry to see that Mags.
Actually I don't mind having someone use a bubble mailer if they are smart about it. I use them myself BUT I sandwich the steel between 2 hard pieces of cardboard and make the pieces bigger then the steel so that the edges of the cardboard take any impact.
Although seeing how bad those steels were damaged I am not sure a box could have saved them... damn those impacts must have been something.
I've also been known to use the cardboard sandwich approach - the gears of war was like that but the card was smaller than the steel... :( It's going to happen from time to time just hate the waste of great steels!!! :suicide:
The seller has been brilliant on GOWJ :hug:
05-17-2013, 12:56 PM
bubble thingys are overkill in my eyes, I just prefer to throw everything out the window and hope it lands somewhere close to the buyer :shrug:
But on a serious note, that really does blow goats Mags :( March over to the plant pots that sent them and give em a kicking!!
05-17-2013, 01:24 PM
dont worry mags i will pack em properly when they arrive at my place for you
05-17-2013, 02:24 PM
cheers i like to make me own little ce bundles, sc5 steel will go in the ce
bdl2 will go in vault hunter box and so on
Thought I was the only one on here who did this! :) I like replacing the boring green case that comes with most CEs with the steels from other places around the world - and if there's room, things that are not just steels either.
So far the biggest project is making the definitive AC:R CE for the US - getting pieces slowly but surely haha.
05-17-2013, 02:33 PM
Thought I was the only one on here who did this! :) I like replacing the boring green case that comes with most CEs with the steels from other places around the world - and if there's room, things that are not just steels either.
So far the biggest project is making the definitive AC:R CE for the US - getting pieces slowly but surely haha.
yeh when i open the ce the game stays out as ia am playing it so if it does not come with a steel i get it and takes the place of the little green case
05-17-2013, 02:41 PM
I've also been known to use the cardboard sandwich approach - the gears of war was like that but the card was smaller than the steel... :( It's going to happen from time to time just hate the waste of great steels!!! :suicide:
The seller has been brilliant on GOWJ :hug:
Yeah you have to have the cardboard about an inch longer at least (half inch on either/all sides minimum).
It is much more efficient then sending in a damn box for one or 2 steels... hard to find a box just the right size for that.
I suppose it is better to ask the buyer if they are willing to pay for a box the right size or pay for a box that is too big (extra weight for the extra space). Most buyers would not want this as far as money goes.
But like i said you can use a bubble mailer IF you do it right. Even done right, or in a box for that matter, things can still happen (anything is possible unfortunately).
05-17-2013, 03:57 PM
A very nice Call of Duty World at War steelbook edition complete with everything - weird thing is this was sent after mine arrived so she could easily have used the packaging hers was sent in - oh well!! :banghead:
Anyone fancy a trade offer for a slightly used Star Wars steel??..... :taunt:
Not my week it seems... got this also: ( ( (
oohh rare bent steel
what did y trade for it?
Bad week for steels :(
05-17-2013, 04:11 PM
So...... I finally got my trade item from MLSGhost.... So at least it was sent but let's just say it wasn't worth the wait :( ( ( (
Let's just say that if you decide to chuck a steelbook on a steam boat you probably need a little more than a bubble mailer... :facepalm:
A very nice Call of Duty World at War steelbook edition complete with everything - weird thing is this was sent after mine arrived so she could easily have used the packaging hers was sent in - oh well!! :banghead:
Anyone fancy a trade offer for a slightly used Star Wars steel??..... :taunt:
Not my week it seems... got this also: ( ( (
Sad face for you Mags :(
Hate to see nice steels like that get beaten :nono:
Silly ppl using only bubble mailers
And, in other news... ( ( ( (
So all is not lost!!! LOL!! Big thanks to Gav for the last two - some trades are so much better than others <3 :hug:
Nice that you at least got some nice bits to make you feel better about your steel woes
That hardcover ACB press kit is amazing :drool: (I've seen it in detailed pics before :))
05-17-2013, 09:02 PM
Last 3DS stuff and some goodies...really like the 3 Castlevania lithos limited to 1500, and the Fire Emblem Awakening artbook:
Next ones to come, Donkey Kong Returns and Adventure Times CE.
Injustice collection by now:
Waiting to get the Press Kit and the futureshop steelbook to complete it.
God Of War Ascension Deluxe Collector Edition (Really grateful to Lemur for helping exporting this for me)
Some God Of War CE pack together:
And the last Bluray Steelbooks arrived home:
Got some more Collector Edition guides and goodies , but I'm so tired of working to take more photos...another day...
05-17-2013, 09:15 PM
nice mate whats in this
05-17-2013, 09:15 PM
Very nice viking :thumb:
Love the injustice collection :)
What's the origin of the Castlevania lithos?
Were they a pre-order bonus or something?
05-17-2013, 09:28 PM
nice mate whats in this
basically CE, statue from omega edition and mug I believe :) Maybe something more
05-17-2013, 09:34 PM
Here's the original overview of the contents
Surprisingly the lady is not included
Confused me too......
05-17-2013, 09:45 PM
I think she would fit inside the box. Tiny japanesse chick :1:
05-17-2013, 10:35 PM
Here's the original overview of the contents
Surprisingly the lady is not included
Confused me too......
we pay halfs on shipping you get the game i get the woman?
05-17-2013, 10:37 PM
we pay halfs on shipping you get the game i get the woman?
Not sure I would let her go if I got her :spiteful:
Man do I always sound that creepy? :rotf:
05-17-2013, 10:39 PM
Not sure I would let her go if I got her :spiteful:
Man do I always sound that creepy? :rotf:
depends on the place, would steer away from saying it at a women's rights convention, but forum is flavor country so knock yourself out
05-17-2013, 10:41 PM
I think she would fit inside the box. Tiny japanesse chick :1:
No stereotypes in the younger generation then... :rotf:
05-17-2013, 10:43 PM
No stereotypes in the younger generation then... :rotf:
platfus has more chance of getting in the box, he is like a mini harry potter
05-17-2013, 11:18 PM
Last 3DS stuff and some goodies...really like the 3 Castlevania lithos limited to 1500, and the Fire Emblem Awakening artbook:
Injustice collection by now:
Waiting to get the Press Kit and the futureshop steelbook to complete it.
God Of War Ascension Deluxe Collector Edition (Really grateful to Lemur for helping exporting this for me)
And the last Bluray Steelbooks arrived home:
Got some more Collector Edition guides and goodies , but I'm so tired of working to take more photos...another day...
Great new things there!!! Where did you find the castlevania lithos?? :drool:
Also really pleased to find another mentallist on here who collects ps3 AND Xbox.... :swoon:
05-18-2013, 01:33 AM
They were given as a preorder of the game and have no idea if they came out in another country. Came numbered. 1500 lithos (3 in the pack).
Sorry for the quality of the lithos, have mine sealed...took the pics of google.
Will try to get some more here if someone is interested on them.
1500 only for only Spain is way too much...for sure will have left overs on the shop that had the exclusive...hehehe...
P.D: Mag, on both CE cost me just 20 Euros than just one CE here in Spain. Wanted G1 and for 20 Euros...totally worth it for me...get a nice preordered price at
05-18-2013, 01:38 AM
They were given as a preorder of the game and have no idea if they came out in another country. Came numbered. 1500 lithos (3 in the pack).
Sorry for the quality of the lithos, have mine sealed...took the pics of google.
Will try to get some more here if someone is interested on them.
1500 only for only Spain is way too much...for sure will have left overs on the shop that had the exclusive...hehehe...
I'm interested in the lithos if you find some more :)
05-18-2013, 01:42 AM
Yeah buddie, will take a look for some more lithos...
Hope they not gave them for free to big buyers (like, couse have passed quite time since the launch date.
But will try for sure Swift!!!
05-18-2013, 03:45 AM
Here's the original overview of the contents
Surprisingly the lady is not included
Confused me too......
There's no mug in it.. Mug comes as a pre-order bonus
05-18-2013, 03:49 AM mug, and not girl on the box... lol (Sorry Coma...)
Think there were some kind of preordered gifts, mug, posters, not sure at all in how many...
By the way!!! Still waiting to arrive the Kratos Sack Boy AU Preorder figure from Letrico!!!
Anyone has some news about it?
05-18-2013, 03:53 AM mug, and not girl on the box... lol (Sorry Coma...)
Think there were some kind of preordered gifts, mug, posters, not sure at all in how many...
So where did you have to order to get the girl as a pre-order bonus? ;)
Ok last joke about that I swear :D
05-18-2013, 03:57 AM
They should have included some kind of inflatable goddes women in the CE... lol
Last one for me too...sorry... :D
05-18-2013, 05:17 AM
God Of War Ascension Deluxe Collector Edition (Really grateful to Lemur for helping exporting this for me)
Ah you got the package :beer:
05-18-2013, 05:27 AM
Yeah buddie!! Totally and completely mint!!! Awesome package!!!
Thank you so much Lemur for the help to export!!!
So grateful by my side!!! :D
05-18-2013, 05:37 AM
Yeah buddie!! Totally and completely mint!!! Awesome package!!!
Thank you so much Lemur for the help to export!!!
So grateful by my side!!! :D
No problem. Couldn't let you pay that ridiculous price on ebay when I knew the shop still had it :beer:
05-18-2013, 05:42 AM
I been wanting this for a while now!
05-18-2013, 05:43 AM
Some kind of preorder DS3 preorder gift Lyrical?
05-18-2013, 05:44 AM
No problem. Couldn't let you pay that ridiculous price on ebay when I knew the shop still had it :beer:
Mind me asking how much it was compared to ebay prices?
I almost bought one, but stopped myself just because it's so much.
05-18-2013, 05:46 AM
70 Euros more or less...
But I was lucky couse Lemur took the last unit of the have no idea if actually it's possible to find one to pick upon a store, or even online...
05-18-2013, 05:51 AM
Mind me asking how much it was compared to ebay prices?
I almost bought one, but stopped myself just because it's so much.
I think ebay was almost double. Can't remember exactly
05-18-2013, 06:00 AM
70 Euros more or less...
But I was lucky couse Lemur took the last unit of the have no idea if actually it's possible to find one to pick upon a store, or even online...
Wow that is a good price for it.
It's all good!
I would love to get one, but I don't think I could even afford one until next week at least, maybe 3 weeks lol
I think ebay was almost double. Can't remember exactly
Well it was about $250 USD i think so yeah almost double that price wow.
Well if you don't mind helping me out, let me know if you ever see one again at that price.
Depending on timing, I might want to buy one (def. not right now lol)
05-18-2013, 06:08 AM
Last Week: Turning Point, True Crime, And AC P.O.'s (Thanks Again SwiftD:hug:).... Wednesday GTA IV SE And AC:BH CE+ Codex Items.... Friday: 007 Quantum Of Solace And Some Splinter Cell LE Disc (NOT What I Thought It Was). Thought I Was Going To Have Perfect Dark CE But, The Guy Listed His Standard Copy Wrong:(.... Side Note: This Thread Is The Cause Of My New Addiction And Your ALL To Blame:lmao:
05-18-2013, 06:17 AM
Last Week: Turning Point, True Crime, And AC P.O.'s (Thanks Again SwiftD:hug:).... Wednesday GTA IV SE And AC:BH CE+ Codex Items.... Friday: 007 Quantum Of Solace And Some Splinter Cell LE Disc (NOT What I Thought It Was). Thought I Was Going To Have Perfect Dark CE But, The Guy Listed His Standard Copy Wrong:(.... Side Note: This Thread Is The Cause Of My New Addiction And Your ALL To Blame:lmao:
Welcome and nice pick ups.
Which Turning Point did you get?
SB I assume?
This place is also the reason there is never abundance of money with me lol.
Any abundance goes towards a CE
Glad to see another US member too
05-18-2013, 06:24 AM
Thank You Lyrical:) I'm Always Taking Notes While Visiting Here. It May Take Some Time But, Eventually I'll Have The Older Ones I Want. By The Time I Catch Up To The Newer Ones They'll Be Cheaper:shades:.... Hopefully. Just Saw Your Question. It's Fall Of Liberty:)
05-18-2013, 07:28 AM
Vikingo could you please compare the CE and Deluxe CE in dimensions? I would like to see how much space does the omega statue gets :)
05-18-2013, 09:25 AM
today arrive:
Commander Shepard Bishoujo Statue limited to 2000 pieces
some mangas :D
And of course a few days ago:
- AC black flag map (thx cosmo)
- Dead ISland: riptide poland ce (thx crix)
- Neon Genesis Evangelion 1.11 Your are not alone Plish ce (thx crix)
05-18-2013, 03:55 PM
Small update for those who care
Still need a word with mags and mortal :(
Brotherhood special (classic) edition
Revelations special
Brotherhood special
05-18-2013, 04:02 PM
Vikingo could you please compare the CE and Deluxe CE in dimensions? I would like to see how much space does the omega statue gets :)
Will take some pics tonight mate...but the figures are almost the same size..
Some pages before I posted them is like putting the two CE editions together...
Box is more or less that size, figures are really the same size aprox...
05-18-2013, 04:04 PM
today arrive:
Commander Shepard Bishoujo Statue limited to 2000 pieces
some mangas :D
And of course a few days ago:
- AC black flag map (thx cosmo)
- Dead ISland: riptide poland ce (thx crix)
- Neon Genesis Evangelion 1.11 Your are not alone Plish ce (thx crix)
The Neon Genesis 1.11 CE is the red metalpack?
05-18-2013, 04:16 PM
small pickings few items only over next few months bit ds pen ordered from japan yonks ago turned up
and thus my self put together nino collection is complete thanks for all the help mags and thanks for guide gu8
05-18-2013, 04:25 PM
Want so much this Ni No Kuni coin on my collection... (Damn Bandai Wizard Edition...gggggrrr...)
Already have the three coins of the greatest nintendo rpg's have released for Wii... This one will fit perfectly...
Great Ni No stuff Coma!!!
05-18-2013, 05:04 PM
The Neon Genesis 1.11 CE is the red metalpack?
see here :)
05-18-2013, 07:50 PM
Anybody want one?$T2eC16NHJGIFFow-2f-7BRl8qJ1e)Q~~60_58.JPG
05-18-2013, 07:55 PM
Anybody want one?$T2eC16NHJGIFFow-2f-7BRl8qJ1e)Q~~60_58.JPG
what the tin on the left?
05-18-2013, 07:56 PM
what the tin on the left?
Or the box in the middle or the figure
Or the lot
05-18-2013, 07:59 PM
just the tin what is it
05-18-2013, 07:59 PM
It was the jumbo steel preorder that gave buying AC1, with a dvd, comic, and letter of autheticity.
05-18-2013, 07:59 PM
just the tin what is it
A jumbo book case from ac1
05-18-2013, 08:00 PM
It was the preorder metalpack that gave buying AC1, with a dvd, comic, and letter of autheticity.
3 different types
One came with the items you mentioned
One was a UK exclusive with 4 art cards and
One was used in a pressed pack
05-18-2013, 10:20 PM
Lilly are you selling em? How much?
05-18-2013, 10:28 PM
Lilly are you selling em? How much?
If you want em platfus then we can open a dialogue but not in this thread, as that's not what this thread is for
Pm me or something
05-21-2013, 05:30 PM
Just a few steelbooks. ^o^ Also got some prints come, but as I'm waiting for some more, I'm gonna hold out on those so I have something for another time!! XD (
Love the Hitman steels and that Halo 4 one is by far the best Halo 4 steelbook that was released!! 0.0
05-21-2013, 05:33 PM
Nice Hitman steels Cosmic...and I'm with you...this Halo is superb..!!
05-21-2013, 05:35 PM
Nice pickups, cosmic :)
Those french steels are among my favorite G1 steels released last year
I do agree that Halo steel is the nicest but the FS one is a close second
05-21-2013, 05:44 PM
Nice Cosmic
Your French Hitma steel looks in great condition!
Or, as Drippy would say... , tidy! :thumb:
05-21-2013, 05:46 PM
where you get the hitman steels? look lovely
any one got spares for sale nudge mags nudge 8D
05-21-2013, 05:54 PM
That Halo 4 FR Steel looks amazing!
I still need to find one more myself.
Now I know these aren't CE's or anything close to them, but I just got it and for some reason, even though I'm not attracted much to the game, I really like the poster.
05-21-2013, 05:55 PM
Where is the poster from again?
It's folded so not a display poster
05-21-2013, 06:02 PM
Nice Hitman steels Cosmic...and I'm with you...this Halo is superb..!!
Yeah, I love the finish on it. :D Wasn't all tat arsed about it before, but it came as a fixed price with the Hitman one which I really wanted, so I had it and I'm really glad it did. :D
Nice pickups, cosmic :)
Those french steels are among my favorite G1 steels released last year
I do agree that Halo steel is the nicest but the FS one is a close second
All of the French steels which I have are awesome. ^o^ They never fail to please. Darksiders, Mass Effect, Zelda, even the Mario Jumbos. :D Love them all! ^o^
Nice Cosmic
Your French Hitma steel looks in great condition!
Or, as Drippy would say... , tidy! :thumb:
Yeah, the French Hitman one doesn't have a mark on it, neither does the Halo. :1:
where you get the hitman steels? look lovely
any one got spares for sale nudge mags nudge 8D
I got all of those steels from Gav. He acquired them from other sources for me. :D Good guy is Gav. :beer:
05-21-2013, 07:31 PM
Yeah, the French Hitman one doesn't have a mark on it, neither does the Halo. :1:
I got all of those steels from Gav. He acquired them from other sources for me. :D Good guy is Gav. :beer:
He is a VERY good guy is Gav :hug: :thumb:
05-21-2013, 07:47 PM
ooh lets here some love for Gav :beach:
Coma i will sort you out with some hitman steels if you want mate ?
05-21-2013, 07:51 PM
ooh lets here some love for Gav :beach:
Coma i will sort you out with some hitman steels if you want mate ?
05-21-2013, 07:54 PM
ooh lets here some love for Gav :beach:
Coma i will sort you out with some hitman steels if you want mate ?
Ooohhh knew you'd show up - we were talking about you not to you!! :taunt:
05-21-2013, 08:19 PM
ooh lets here some love for Gav :beach:
Coma i will sort you out with some hitman steels if you want mate ?
yeha i got plenty of time for gav
mags has offered with the french hitman steel, thanks though she now added to list of creditors for my 31st :bunny:
05-21-2013, 08:34 PM
05-21-2013, 08:44 PM
Where is the poster from again?
It's folded so not a display poster
Yeah its from walmart lol. Came in their magazine.
05-23-2013, 04:54 AM
05-23-2013, 04:58 AM
I usually hate game store stickers but those are awesome store stickers! :thumb:
Did you really get it for 99 cents? And was it from a large chain or a small game store or what?
Texas Fire
05-23-2013, 05:06 AM
Almost complete...But Ms. Merica' arrived today. Bad pic, but meh... (
05-23-2013, 05:07 AM
Nah they hadny got round to pricing it yet, cost $40
05-23-2013, 05:16 AM
Almost complete...But Ms. Merica' arrived today. Bad pic, but meh... (
Good pic nonetheless
I think you're a sealed collector?
Otherwise it would be really cool to see all 4 next to each other :P
Nah they hadny got round to pricing it yet, cost $40
Still a good price though
Sounds like you were quick on that one if they hadn't priced it yet :)
05-23-2013, 05:28 AM
Almost complete...But Ms. Merica' arrived today. Bad pic, but meh... (
Very nice!
I'm loving the statue right there.
Where did you get it from if you don't mind me asking?
Texas Fire
05-23-2013, 05:28 AM
...Otherwise it would be really cool to see all 4 next to each other :P...Just British/USA are here as of now. I ordered US/France/Australia on the same day, so I'm hoping the other two will be here tomorrow or Friday-ish...Keep you posted...Very nice!
I'm loving the statue right there.
Where did you get it from if you don't mind me asking?Had to bite the bullet and go eBay...*sigh*
05-23-2013, 05:51 PM
New stuffs. ^o^
Birthday stuffs off my GF. :D ( (
She also got me a Skyrim T-Shirt from the premium Ed, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon for 3DS and she also paid for a book for me which I'm waiting for. :D
Also, these came today.
Steelbook first as I know how we all like steelbooks. :1: ( ( (
And now this. Worth every penny! 0.0 ( ( ( ( ( (
I got the exclusive version as expected. :D Also got the same number as my other statues in the Twilight Princess line! ^o^
And now a pic with an appropriate steelbook for size comparison as steelbooks are now a recognised unit of measurement. (
05-23-2013, 05:55 PM
she is a keeper you old sod
05-23-2013, 06:01 PM
Great great pickups cosmic :thumb:
That Ganondorf statue is mesmerizing :drool:
And steelbooks are indeed a unit of measurement
I instantly can imagine how big that statue actually is now
05-23-2013, 06:06 PM
she is a keeper you old sod
Yup, she sure is! :P :banana:
Great great pickups cosmic :thumb:
That Ganondorf statue is mesmerizing :drool:
And steelbooks are indeed a unit of measurement
I instantly can imagine how big that statue actually is now
Yeah, the statue is awesome! ^o^ He's massive as you can see and weighs a tonne to go with it. >.< Looks so much better in person than the pictures show. I'll try and take some better pics with my camera when I get chance. Just took a few quick pics with my iphone to upload here. :D
05-23-2013, 06:15 PM
i thought it was a fancy garden gnome whos zelda?
05-23-2013, 06:20 PM
The mouth can open and close?
05-23-2013, 06:20 PM
i thought it was a fancy garden gnome whos zelda?
I guess there is a legend about her or something like that..
05-23-2013, 06:23 PM
The mouth can open and close?
It's an exclusive edition so I assume it comes with 2 different heads
05-23-2013, 06:32 PM
The mouth can open and close?
As Swifty said.
It's an exclusive edition so I assume it comes with 2 different heads
Yeah, the open mouth head comes with the Exclusive version. :D
Texas Fire
05-23-2013, 07:16 PM
My goodness Cosmic! That Ganandorf is sick! I'm curious where I can get one. Very nice lot of items you got...
05-23-2013, 07:30 PM
My goodness Cosmic! That Ganandorf is sick! I'm curious where I can get one. Very nice lot of items you got...
Thanks. :D
He is awesome! ^o^ Don't know if I should tell you where I got him from though as you'll want the rest in the line and they get expensive!!! XD
I got him from here (,com_myphp/Itemid,3/product,103/) though! :P
Texas Fire
05-23-2013, 07:35 PM
I got him from here (,com_myphp/Itemid,3/product,103/) though! :POh my! $450+? Man, I might have to sit this one out...Very nice though!
05-24-2013, 05:30 AM
Mass Effect 3 CE And Halo 3 LE Arrived Yesterday (Thurs.) :)
05-24-2013, 04:58 PM
Got the 2 variant Cole statues after a long, long search..
Big thanks to SwiftDeath for helping me buy and forward them to me :barsong:
05-24-2013, 05:02 PM
Got the 2 variant Cole statues after a long, long search..
Big thanks to SwiftDeath for helping me buy and forward them to me :barsong:
You're welcome buddy :thumb:
I'm glad you're as happy with them as I'd thought you'd be :)
They look great together and it's hard to see the little details on them that differentiate them without seeing them in person
05-24-2013, 05:04 PM
You can check out my blog here:
I took pics from different angles focusing on the differences in detail among the 3
05-24-2013, 05:09 PM
Got the 2 variant Cole statues after a long, long search..
Big thanks to SwiftDeath for helping me buy and forward them to me :barsong:
I saw one of the evil ones on eBay awhile back... I also know someone who has the white one.
Congrats on getting all of them though.
05-24-2013, 05:22 PM
I saw one of the evil ones on eBay awhile back... I also know someone who has the white one.
Congrats on getting all of them though.
Probably that's the one with me right now.. :rotf:
Texas Fire
05-24-2013, 07:03 PM
France est arriv?... ( the 2 variant Cole statues after a long, long search.. many different variations are there by chance?
Texas Fire
05-24-2013, 07:04 PM
Disregard, just read up a bit on the statues/figures...
05-24-2013, 11:45 PM
It's been a pretty slow month (and will continue to be slow for a while) but this did just come in the mail today!
05-25-2013, 12:06 AM
Great unboxing as always :thumb:
Will have to pick up one of those as well but not overly high on my priorities
05-25-2013, 12:12 AM
Thanks. It wasn't on mine either, but I didn't want them to sell out, so I just went for it... lol
05-25-2013, 12:55 AM
Thanks. It wasn't on mine either, but I didn't want them to sell out, so I just went for it... lol
Nice unboxing bud.
How much did you pay for yours?
I sorta want it but I feel like they'll drop lower.
At the same time I'm afraid of it selling out
05-25-2013, 12:57 AM
Nice unboxing bud.
How much did you pay for yours?
I sorta want it but I feel like they'll drop lower.
At the same time I'm afraid of it selling out
It was like $70 and some change from Game. It's only been out for a couple of months, so I could probably have waited for a while. I just didn't want to accidentally wait too long. lol
05-25-2013, 03:37 AM
:barsong:France est arriv?... ( many different variations are there by chance?
There are 3 variations, wish they had a Vampire Cole variant as well..
05-25-2013, 10:02 AM
France est arriv?... ( many different variations are there by chance?
Nice to finally see an actual French one. :D How much coin did that set you back and where you get it from? Nice pick ups btw! ^^
05-25-2013, 10:46 AM
Just had to post this!
Ganondorf Exclusive statue.
Ninja Scroll Steelbook on Bluray/DVD
05-25-2013, 11:56 AM
Femshep bishoujo figure (bioware limited edition) and FCBD comic
05-25-2013, 12:06 PM
I need that watch cosmic its awesome
05-25-2013, 12:33 PM
Femshep bishoujo figure (bioware limited edition) and FCBD comic
Awesome! ^^ Hopefully the Femshep I bought for my GF will be here this week. Got atung with customs on it though! >.< Also where'd you get that comic from!? 0.0 I wat one. :P
I need that watch cosmic its awesome
Lol yeah it is cool. :D Never seen one before so was nice surprise! ^^
05-25-2013, 12:44 PM
Awesome! ^^ Hopefully the Femshep I bought for my GF will be here this week. Got atung with customs on it though! >.< Also where'd you get that comic from!? 0.0 I wat one. :P
Yeah I got stung with customs as well for the femshep, I got the comic from ebay. Here's one
It's got this on the other side:$T2eC16V,!ykE9s7tw3DzBRjMepEwJ!~~60_58.JPG
05-26-2013, 04:04 AM
Found the Oblivion CE - without the coin, unfortunately.
05-26-2013, 04:16 AM
I've been working on this journal collection for a little over a month now (
6 Different Journals now from some of my favorite franchises
They are a mix of press/promo journals
Thanks to Mosavon, Flatout, Bbki, and flamesurfer for their help getting these :beer:
Also worth noting all journals have a bookmark built-in save the bioshock infinite journals which I quite like
Obligatory Steelbook Size comparison (G1 steel obviously) (
Lots and lots more pics in my intro thread
05-26-2013, 12:08 PM
Nice stuff as usual Swift!
05-26-2013, 12:56 PM
05-26-2013, 06:24 PM
LA Noire pencils.
Pencils are an important part of the game :P
05-27-2013, 05:47 AM
Just had to post this!
Ganondorf Exclusive statue.
Ninja Scroll Steelbook on Bluray/DVD
Awesome where did you get those? And how much for the statue :-) nice pickups!
Texas Fire
05-27-2013, 07:29 AM
Femshep bishoujo figure (bioware limited edition) and FCBD comic exactly is the FCBD thing? Are they like a manufacturer/publisher like say, Marvel/DC?I've been working on this journal collection for a little over a month now (! Are the Bioshock ones the same journals or two different ones by chance?Nice to finally see an actual French one. :D How much coin did that set you back and where you get it from? Nice pick ups btw! ^^Honestly from what I saw here and there, I didn't pay too much for a French compared to others out there. It was like $193-ish with shipping. The U.S. one by far was the most expensive bust I bought of the four...No bueno!
05-27-2013, 07:37 AM
What exactly is the FCBD thing? Are they like a manufacturer/publisher like say, Marvel/DC?
Free Comic Book Day
Texas Fire
05-27-2013, 07:43 AM
Free Comic Book DayThanks! Haha, now that I look-look at it, it's clearly printed right on the
05-27-2013, 07:49 AM
Nice! Are the Bioshock ones the same journals or two different ones by chance?
Yes the bioshock journals are the same
One is from a US source, one from a German source
Both came sealed
Only noticeable difference is the german one came sealed with 4 BI mini stickers sealed with the journal whereas the US one did not
I got both as I wanted an unsealed copy as well
Texas Fire
05-27-2013, 07:58 AM
Yes the bioshock journals are the same
One is from a US source, one from a German source
Both came sealed
Only noticeable difference is the german one came sealed with 4 BI mini stickers sealed with the journal whereas the US one did not
I got both as I wanted an unsealed copy as wellAh, I hear ya'...
05-27-2013, 08:51 AM
05-28-2013, 07:34 AM
05-28-2013, 11:26 AM
Ah god i love "spy vs. Spy" <3
05-28-2013, 12:00 PM
As promised here's a BIG update
And yes I mean BIG
Now I just need to find the rest
05-28-2013, 12:13 PM
05-28-2013, 03:38 PM
It not actually big, its an a5 poster, she just has tiny feet :P
05-28-2013, 03:41 PM
It not actually big, its an a5 poster, she just has tiny feet :P
Yep and tiny steelbooks as well :)
05-28-2013, 03:47 PM
Yep and tiny steelbooks as well :)
Steelbooks are actually shrinkies
Texas Fire
05-28-2013, 03:48 PM
Stuffs! nice! I need to scrounge some SMS games as well...As a kid, I used to get frustrated as hell with Golvellius...
05-28-2013, 03:51 PM
remember playing teddy boy as a kid
05-28-2013, 03:56 PM
I had like 4 games as a kid, im excited to try out back to the future 3 lol
Texas Fire
05-29-2013, 02:43 AM
Finally snagged the AUS version... ( (
05-29-2013, 03:29 AM
Finally snagged the AUS version... ( (
you have seven? or is that clever balancing?
Texas Fire
05-29-2013, 03:41 AM
you have seven? or is that clever balancing?Seven (Unfortunately)...Got one more U.S on the way to crack for display purposes...:suicide:
05-29-2013, 03:56 AM
Seven (Unfortunately)...Got one more U.S on the way to crack for display purposes...:suicide:
zombie torso fantasy? 8D
Texas Fire
05-29-2013, 04:05 AM
zombie torso fantasy? 8DEh, I bought into the "Controversy":quote:...
05-29-2013, 04:13 AM
Eh, I bought into the "Controversy":quote:...
i should of got a second the one i have is almost nearly motorboated to hell already
05-29-2013, 05:06 AM
Finally snagged the AUS version... ( (
This makes me want to get one now..hmm
05-29-2013, 06:38 AM
Finally snagged the AUS version... ( (
That is so awesome! :D
Is there even any more edition, or is it that the only 4 they made? :p
05-29-2013, 10:47 AM
Just brought this and I need some identification help
What is it?
Necklace I
Necklace II
Or the limited edition necklace 1
05-29-2013, 12:46 PM
i should of got a second the one i have is almost nearly motorboated to hell already
:rotf: xx
Texas Fire
05-29-2013, 02:30 PM
That is so awesome! :D
Is there even any more edition, or is it that the only 4 they made? :pFrom what I know, France/U.S./UK/AUS were only released. And I'm thinking Deep Silver really only released UK/AUS, so I'm not 100% on the U.S./FR whereabouts, or why/how they came about...Just brought this and I need some identification help
What is it?
Necklace I
Necklace II
Or the limited edition necklace 1 there any manufacturer markings on it?
05-29-2013, 02:33 PM
From what I know, France/U.S./UK/AUS were only released. And I'm thinking Deep Silver really only released UK/AUS, so I'm not 100% on the U.S./FR whereabouts, or why/how they came about...Is there any manufacturer markings on it?
I know where it came from but they don't have a forum over at UbiWorkshop anymore and most of them came over here
05-29-2013, 05:04 PM
Need to start using this thread more, as it has been useful for filling in a few details in my collection database (however I rarely post in it, so still a lot of details to be found, argh!)
Anyway, today I received the Night Shadow Leonardo figure, from TMNT :) xx
05-29-2013, 06:02 PM
I want to get the Skyrim premium edition just because of the tshirt etc USA is not offered.. But always looking for old oblivion merchandise hats packs etc.. But i cannot afford it.. But i want it
Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
05-29-2013, 11:29 PM
Hitman HD Trilogy Premium Edition. It took me four or five tries and over a month of returning to finally get an undamaged one!
05-29-2013, 11:32 PM
Where did you got it Zaku?
How much is the premium edition?
05-29-2013, 11:33 PM
Where did you got it Zaku?
How much is the premium edition?
This one ended up coming from Amazon. The price has fluctuated from $30-$40.
05-29-2013, 11:48 PM
This one ended up coming from Amazon. The price has fluctuated from $30-$40.
I remember when they went on sale for 25.
Good times..although I missed it lol
Finally managed to find a store that sells "inch-frames" in Germany. Not as easy as it sounds :P
05-30-2013, 01:19 PM
Finally managed to find a store that sells "inch-frames" in Germany. Not as easy as it sounds :P
There are no shops to frame your lithos or wathever you want where you live Ayiu?
Here in Spain, you can choose everything, materials, dimension, etc...
There are no shops to frame your lithos or wathever you want where you live Ayiu?
Here in Spain, you can choose everything, materials, dimension, etc...
Sure, but it's super expensive to get a custom made frame. Up to 100 euro and more while the standard sized frames cost you only around 20 euro.
05-30-2013, 02:33 PM
Wow... Huge difference...
Nice found!!! Will have a great buyer on you...hehehe...
Congrats!!! Looks totally sick!!!
haha thanks, will definitely buy more frames from the guy in the future :)
Also installed a new shelve, will take pictures once I figured out how to display everything :D
05-30-2013, 03:45 PM
Really love the Spanish crazy bargains...hahaha...
My last purchase:
Already had the hardened edition, but wanted this CE so much.
Have all the Biggest MW CE, and that one was missed...for the price of course, and I found the last unit on the shop...hehehehe... Damn lucky...
It's a pity that is for xbox, couse I have all my MW saga for ps3...but for that price...who wouldn't buy it, uh? :-D
05-30-2013, 03:47 PM
They had also Crysis 2 nano edition for 30
Totally insane....
Next time, and with a little bit smaller CE bargains will do a GB...
Or will take some spare ones for you buddies.
You know that is impossible to make a group buy with this CE or the Nano Edition.
05-30-2013, 05:18 PM
They had also Crysis 2 nano edition for 30
Totally insane....
Next time, and with a little bit smaller CE bargains will do a GB...
Or will take some spare ones for you buddies.
You know that is impossible to make a group buy with this CE or the Nano Edition.
get me the nano edition for that price.
Def. worth it after shipment and such :P
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